老鍵2023-08-03 21:59:47回複悄悄話
回複 'shuier' 的評論 : Thanks 水兒 for the comforting words. They may not turn me around but it's really good for your generation to uphold that faith. Noticing you've closed your blog I understand wenxuecity is not really your plant. My best wishes and thanks for having visited my blog.
Thank you, 老鍵! I would let renqiulan speak for himself. But, if I may, I would say this: China is NOT a lost cause because Chinese people will eventually find a noble cause for themselves. That being said, any noble cause could be hijacked by the powers that be. Americans never had blind faith in their leaders. They never put their future in just a few hands and politicians know it.
Thank you, 老鍵! I would let renqiulan speak for himself. But, if I may, I would say this: China is NOT a lost cause because Chinese people will eventually find a noble cause for themselves. That being said, any noble cause could be hijacked by the powers that be. Americans never had blind faith in their leaders. They never put their future in just a few hands and politicians know it.