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Apparently the model changed parameters half way t...
Google colab 直接上免費。站在巨人腦袋上
如何看老唐. 上海爺叔:木卵噴大牌. 小刁模子慣浪頭!...
回複 '七點三十' 的評論 : 美國是一半一半,不管誰上來...
回複 'Future2030' 的評論 : 撥亂反正希望不是做做表麵...
回複 '兩眼墨黑' 的評論 : 咱別罵人,每個人都有自己一...
回複 '魅力野花' 的評論 : 第一任上他好像並沒證明自己...
我的麵容點綴了些許歲月 苔蘚成長著,像是內心的潮水成長著掛下來 人世間的世態炎涼 我用陽光的站立去縮小瘋狂伸展開的魔爪 星空的溫婉、奇異 像是傾吐葉子的粗魯、健碩,還有畫在油布上與我毫無幹係的男歡女愛 我願意深綠,我願意像一束晨曦。。。終其一生 清涼的湖水嗬 眺望著太陽的升起,青草低垂 它們並沒有介意 湖水不斷翻滾到岸上濺出的喘息聲,山穀回音 似乎,我聽到磐石的堅硬,頁紙蕩漾 民國折射的寬袖聲,如風、如詩、如我翻閱諸神,颯颯成行 A few hints of agedness embellish my countenance. Lichen grows, resembling inner tides gushing out of my heart. Seeing the way of the world, being fickle in relationship, I stand up and out sunny, to reduce the frenzy clawing of the devil How gentle and wonderful is the starry sky Thinking of the outpour of crudeness and masculinity from foliage, and the unconnected sensual affection from an oil-painting, I wish to be deep in green, to be like the first ray of the morning sun, over the whole of my life. The water of a lake, crispy and chilly, gazes afar at the rising sun. Green grasses, hanging low don't care about water rolling onto the shore, foaming and fuming, ricocheting in the valley. As if, I picked up the sturdiness of the rocks, from rippling book leaves. The rustle of broad sleeves, bounced out of the Republic, is like wind, like poetry, like my flipping through the history of gods, soughing line by line.