2018 (81)
2020 (59)
不能問並不代表人們不好奇,大概就是針對這樣一個心理吧,澳洲廣播電視公司設有一個係列專題節目——You Can't Ask That(你不能這麽問)。從2016年開始每年一個係列,到今年已是第6季,涉獵了54個專題。
節目上提出的所有的問題都是節目組從民間征集的,據說每次題目出來網上都會有上千條問題。節目組從第1到15個最普遍的問題中選出若幹給來賓自願回答。大多數問題都是平時人們“不能問” 的敏感問題,比如:
今年的係列是第6季,昨晚一期的題目叫Chinese Australians, 是針對澳洲華人的,我一直期待。這期有8個來賓,一共回答了10 個問題。有的問題相當直白、粗魯,甚至惱人,來賓的互動和回答頗具個性,有很多值得看的亮點。我在這裏把昨晚的問題列舉下來,視頻一共29分鍾,暫不能上傳,有興趣的讀者可以通過視頻鏈接來了解來賓們是如何回答這些問題的。
視頻鏈接:http://You Can't Ask That: ABC iview
a. 人是土地的主人,從來不是土地是人的主人。
a. 好奇要看世界的人太多。世界又太小。
2. 你是否彈鋼琴、上重點學校?
a. 不彈鋼琴,吹歐博,上不了的學校在我眼中都是重點學校
3. 路易威登產品有什麽好?你們為什麽這麽熱衷?
a. 免得你們會問我們為什麽不穿路易威登
4. 狗肉啥味道?
a. 我不吃狗肉,為什麽你這麽感興趣?想嚐嚐?
5. 摳鼻子、吐痰和推擠都是些什麽梗?
a. 這都是病。會傳染。你和病人呆久了也一樣。
6. 中國男人生殖器小是不是很糟心?
a. 這個是一千個人有一千個哈姆雷特,試過才有發言權。
7. 白人說話模仿中國口音招你恨吧?
a. 不,好可愛哦,像狗狗學貓叫
8. 你是不是和我們一樣害怕你的政府?
a. 不要談這個,老大哥在看著。
9. 你們的長壽秘訣是重要和太極拳嗎?
a. 時間是個相對概念。這樣的問題再問下去,我想我能活一萬年。
10. 你覺得你屬於這裏嗎?
a. 人是土地的主人,從來不是土地是人的主人。
Is Chinese medicine and Taichi that help you live so long? 你們的長壽秘訣是中藥和太極拳嗎? I don’t know much about Chinese medicine, but I think Taichi may help some people with chronic diseases to improve their health.
Do you feel like you belong here? 你覺得你屬於這裏嗎? Still not completely yet. I like the natural environment of Australia with good air quality, and a more relaxed civil life. However, I am concerned that Australia has too many kangaroos, and I know kangaroos sometimes attack people. I am afraid of them.
4.What does dog taste like? 狗肉啥味道?I don’t know as I have never tried before. I know people in some countries like it. There must be reason for it.
5. what’s with the nose-picking, spitting and pushing in? 摳鼻子、吐痰和推擠都是些什麽梗? Those are bad habits, I don’t have them.
6. Is it annoying that Chinese men have small penises? 中國男人生殖器小是不是很糟心?Not really. Many Chinese men have comparable sizes as men from other countries. Actually,Chinese penises work better and productive than others during the sex life. If you like, I will try with you or your sisters, and I can satisfy you. BTW, did you see we have the No.1 population in the world, that reflects we have much more and better-quality sex life than other countries on the world.
7. Do you hate it when white people speak with a Chinese accent? 白人說話模仿中國口音招你恨吧? Not at all. I take it as easy as a humor or joke. When I am in that situation, I will reply to the speaker in the same accent. “Doo yoou likee my speakee?”
1. Everywhere I look there is a Chinese person. What’s wrong with your own country?到處都能看到中國人,你們自己的國家有什麽問題嗎?My country is over-populated. As my country and people are getting richer and richer in last 30 years, we tend to travel and see the world. That is why you can see more and more Chinese tourists on everywhere of the world.
2. Did you play the piano and go to a selective school? 你是否彈鋼琴、上重點學校?I don't play piano, but I 'd like someone play piano for me. I just went to a public school when I was young, and I think I have met kids from families of different ranks. That is good. In a selective school, I am afraid that my social circle might be limited.
3.What’s so good about Louis Vuitton? Why are you so obsessed? 路易威登產品有什麽好?你們為什麽這麽熱衷?It is true. Some Chinese women are fond of them, but I really don't know why. Maybe they are cheaper than other brand-names.
1. 到處都能看到中國人,你們自己的國家有什麽問題嗎?a. 為啥全世界都有白人,當初你們國家有啥問題 9. 你們的長壽秘訣是重要和太極拳嗎?a. 躺平
+1 澳洲真逗!
mikecwu 發表評論於 2021-06-10 12:04:54
- Everywhere I look there's a white guy. What's wrong with Europe?
Did you play the piano and go to a selective school?
- No, how about you?
What’s so good about Louis Vuitton? Why are you so obsessed?
- I don't have any. Others have their own fashion choices I guess.
what does dog taste like?
- What does pork taste like? My Muslim friends want to know.
what’s with the nose-picking, spitting and pushing in?
- Uncivilized behaviors. Like being racist in white people.
Is it annoying that Chinese men have small penises?
- Human beings only need one large organ: the brain.
Do you hate it when white people speak with a Chinese accent?
- If his native language is Chinese I understand.
Are you scare of your government as we are?
- You and I have the same government.
Is Chinese medicine and Taichi that help you live so long?
- No it's the genetics and healthy lifestyle.
Do you feel like you belong here?
- Of course and I will build a large family for generations to come.
a. 沒吃過。 seems you are interested in.
6. 中國男人生殖器小是不是很糟心?
a. 我感覺我的太大了。most of the condoms here are too small for me.
1. 到處都能看到中國人,你們自己的國家有什麽問題嗎?
a. 為啥全世界都有白人,當初你們國家有啥問題
2. 你是否彈鋼琴、上重點學校?
a. 有音樂修養,有啥不好
3. 路易威登產品有什麽好?你們為什麽這麽熱衷?
a. 問路易威登
4. 狗肉啥味道?
a. 沒吃過,也反感別人吃,提倡不吃哺乳動物
5. 摳鼻子、吐痰和推擠都是些什麽梗?
a. 環境好了,自然就沒了
6. 中國男人生殖器小是不是很糟心?
a. 蘿卜白菜,各有所愛
7. 白人說話模仿中國口音招你恨吧?
a. 取決於動機
8. 你是不是和我們一樣害怕你的政府?
a. 你覺得呢
9. 你們的長壽秘訣是重要和太極拳嗎?
a. 躺平
10. 你覺得你屬於這裏嗎?
a. 心在哪,家在哪
1. 到處都能看到中國人,你們自己的國家有什麽問題嗎?
a. 來幫你們。
2. 你是否彈鋼琴、上重點學校?
a. 是。還有更多的。
3. 路易威登產品有什麽好?你們為什麽這麽熱衷?
a. 沒聽說過。
4. 狗肉啥味道?
a. 沒吃過。
5. 摳鼻子、吐痰和推擠都是些什麽梗?
a. 一些人的壞毛病。
6. 中國男人生殖器小是不是很糟心?
a. 我感覺我的太大了。
7. 白人說話模仿中國口音招你恨吧?
a. 不,他們願意學,我樂意教。
8. 你是不是和我們一樣害怕你的政府?
a. 和你們沒法比。
9. 你們的長壽秘訣是重要和太極拳嗎?
a. 要想長壽,就要少操心別人的事。
10. 你覺得你屬於這裏嗎?
a. 和你一樣的感覺。
為啥不能問? 不喜歡就不答唄。