

去除電腦病毒 (remove computer virus)

(2010-07-10 16:16:36) 下一個

今天不小心,電腦又染上病毒了。 下麵是我清除病毒的步驟:

The name of the virus is called AV Security Suite.  
It blocked two anti virus softwares installed. 
It blocked CCleaner.
It blocked access to System Restore. 
It also blocked control-alt-delete key.

Restarted in Safe mode.  The virus does not show up.  But somehow I could not access system restore function. 

1) Restarted the computer. 
2) Before the virus starts, immediately press control-alt-delete key to access task manager.  It worked.
3) In the process window, manually deleted several anti-viral programs and the new unfamiliar names.  One of the processes is a virus process. Immediately after deletion of the process, the pop ups are gone. 
4) Then go to control and performance, click system restore.  It worked. 

Activation of Task Manager before virus uploading and then use of system restore is a very simple method to inactivate virus and restore system function. No download is needed.

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