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今天讀到一篇文章,講到ignore 與 won't listen 的區別。故轉來欣賞。
This article talks about how a woman should be looking for signs to dump a man who is not interested in the relationship with the woman. I think the same rule applies to women as well. :)
Dump-worthy: He ignores
Not dump-worthy: He doesn't listen
There is a difference. The way I see it, the guy who doesn't listen is the guy who spaces out on TV when a woman is asking if he liked that night's chili. A guy who doesn't listen is a guy who forgets to cap the toothpaste despite the fact he's been told 12 times in the last six days. Annoying? Sure. Deal-breakers? No. On the other hand, a guy who ignores is the kind of guy who always puts himself first by ignoring the things that are important to you-like chronically forgetting an anniversary or birthday, or not asking how a doctor's appointment went, or choosing his golf game over her family get-together. Once in a while may be fine, but when it happens all the time, it means that his priorities don't include you.
Clear enough?
If you like to read the original article, here is the link.
that's a big issue to discuss :-))
除非老土與你的關係是皇帝與妃子的關係, 否則你一定會對老土有要求的,而且這些要求不能滿足時,你會離他而去. 那篇文章就是在說如何判斷一個男人是否在乎一個女人,她是否是在他的心上.
其實ignore 與 does not listen 之間的區別很小,很大程度上兩詞能替換. 如果真要區分,我的理解是 ignore 有點negative tone。而does not listen 是個中性詞。 但是從上麵舉的例子來說, does not listen 都是些個雞毛蒜皮的小事,而ignore 裏的例子都是些重要的事情。 當一個男人對他的女人在她認為是重要的事情上漠不關心時,那麽女的就會中斷這樣的愛情,或婚姻,除非他有皇帝權利或主控著經濟大權。。
You can give him your top priorities, but i think you must certainly care about whether you are on the top of his priorities as well.
I will not lose anything if I give him all the priorities.