Yesterday was the first school day for a handful of CT schools, yesterday was also the day my son got the 2nd vaccine shot.
The shot appointment was set up at 9:45am, which I knew it would be too early for him since he didn’t go to bed until 5:30 in the morning. But he got up without complain. After brushing his teeth, washing his face, dressing up neatly, he swayed to the car. His dropped eyelid exposed his tiredness from lack of sleep.
It’s the 3rd time I walked into town Walgreen. This store was spacious, bright and being layout nicely. I have to say I enjoy the environment here than I do in town CVS, which is closer to me. I always feel I live in a remoted small town, but there are some areas and stores I never visited, I guess this case happens to quite amount of people. Ignorance is common for people. Sometimes we ignore places we can access to easily, but rather go to other places less attractive and harder to get to.
The black girl who gave my son the 1st shot was busy on a drive-through customer. I stood in front of the counter, waiting for her. When she walked to the shelves, she gave me a glance of greeting, respect and kindness. With white KN95 mask on, I couldn’t see her entire face. But I have already pictured her entire face from last time. That’s a face not beautiful, but make people feel comfortable and reliable. In the same spot as last time, stood the white-haired senior male doctor whom I talked with last time. Trust has been established since our last visit.
I handed over the small-sized vaccine card, on which my son’s basic personal information and his 1st shot information was scratched with blue ink from a ball pen. This time, I noticed on her left chest, a navy blue tag pinning in the blue uniform, on which“COVID-19 hero with red color, Certified immunizer, xxxx with white color” being embossed. Thinking about the widespread fear for covid-19 virus, they are indeed heroes! so do other essencial business workers.
After having something typed into computer, she let me wait for a form which need to be fill up before vaccination. There were three chairs along the wall, we sat down to wait.
“I am here to get my booster shot.” A senior white woman told the pharmacist.
I was surprised. I heard the existence of the booster shot, but I didn’t know it’s already available now even I am not sure if I would like to get it some day. I may wait, just like what I have done for the 2 shots.
A familiar body appeared in front of the counter. That’s her, Susan, my friend who is twenty years older than me. I stood up and stepped to her.
I pat her butt gently and fondly with my hat. ”Hi Susan!”
“Hi, xxx. Why are you here?”
“I am here for my son’s 2nd vaccine shot. “
“Oh, where is he? How old is he?”
She turned around, their eyes met, both smiled.
“pull down your mask, let me see your face.”
He pulled his mask down to his chin, exposing her a young adult face with shy smile.
“He looks like you.” 你兒子像你。
I was happy to hear this.
She sat next to me, then we started chatting….
She said her daughter-in-law take extreme precaution against covid-19. We both think her reaction is way too much, somehow crazy. the last time Susan saw her grandchildren was a month ago, they all stood outside beside the pool. She touched her son’s hairs, her son receded abruptly and said “mom, please, please, you know Jane…” . I guess he means Jane will give him hard time.”she sighed. I could tell she was kind of sad.
“Then the school will reopen next week, what will she do for her three kids?”
“Based on her reactions, there is no way for her to send the kids to school, no way…this summer, she went to grocery store, that was the first and only time she went to grocery school during the pandemic, she kept saying “ it’s too dangerous, too dangerous...”
接下來,她說她住在這附近已經二十幾年了。這裏曾經是一片樹林,這些商業設施都是近十幾年內逐步建成的。我給她看了我前不久去紐約玩的照片。她看著WORLD TRADE CENTER, 911紀念館,在原雙子塔處修建的紀念碑,黑色花鋼石上刻滿的名字。她說她很久沒去紐約了,而她曾經住在紐約的皇後區。她是意大利移民,家鄉在西西裏島。我想當年她和她的移民家庭也經曆了類似中國早期的移民家庭所經曆的艱難,通過奮鬥,走向成功,融入主流。
早上新發現的一處向日葵園,把照片發給鄰居ANNA, 並約好明天帶她來賞花。