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(2022-06-02 07:46:58) 下一個

When he got into high school, things started changing. With his better school performance and more maturity, he started sharing more with me, his school, his thoughts, the stories of his friends, the video games he likes…. He started understanding: behind my curiosity is my love, his sharing will make me happy.  His sharing, my involvement to his academy, his grades I saw in Power School, the school letters, and the occasional communication with teachers, with all of these together, I feel a solid hope beyond the peace I always have in my mind.


Following Q1 GPA 3.62 were GPA 3.71 for both Q2 and Q3.  The sustainable academic improvement brought me more confidence about him as I used to have when he was a little boy. I began learning the knowledge about college application. I realized, different from Chinese education concept that the academy is almost the only thing colleges care about, the good colleges in US want well-rounded students, which means GPA is the most important thing, but extracurricular, community service, essay, recommendation letters also play secondary important roles.  I shared my learning with him.  


He was in varsity swimming team in 9th and 10th grade which was my idea and he didn’t enjoy much.  He has been in ski club through the three middle school years. In 9th grade, he desperately expected the ski clue activities, but they didn’t happen since the pandemic. He resumed ski club in 10th grade. “on sports aspect, with swimming and ski, you look good. You need to do some community services, we should find something you can do and willing to do in this aspect.”he agreed with me.


雖然官方上的夏季要到六月二十日,但傳統上,美國人把Memorial Day 當成是夏季的開始。因為在這一日前,美國多地氣溫有時會達到80F以上。MEMORIAL DAY後, 在向著夏天邁進的過程中,雖然偶有返春的涼爽天氣,但總的來說,白天氣溫不會跌落到50F以下,呈現出一種相對穩定的態勢。


今年的情況也如此,MEMORIAL DAY前就出現了一兩天的90F的高溫天氣。MEMORIAL DAY當日,天氣也是配合。為了配合人們喜慶的心情,氣溫處在80F度。人們在感受到夏的熱烈的同時,並沒有酷暑難當的感覺。人們通過去沙難,燒烤聚會,戶外郊遊的方式,喜迎著這一非官方夏天的起始日。

今年花粉來的早,在MEMORIAL DAY前我就和朋友說起。”彌散在空氣中的POLLEN就像是密集的粉塵。風起時,刮起的POLLEN像是沙塵暴,真可怖。想想,我們每個人吸入多少,渾身上來又落了多少POLLEN。 有一天,我走路回家,鞋子都變成了綠色。“ 對我的POLLEN體會,朋友也同意,跟著吐嘈了一番。去年有POLLEN,但記得那發生在六月,也沒有這種風吹起時粉飛揚的強烈視感衝擊,今年是怎麽了?

有問題,找GOOGLE. 從一篇題為Climate change is making pollen season even worse across the country的科普文章上找到了答案。原來今年POLLEN SEASON來的比去年早,而且這現象並不隻是NORTHEAST獨有,SOUTHEAST 和MIDDLEWEST更糟糕。 這也是全球氣候變化,碳排放增加,造成溫室效應的結果。後來問了兒子這個問題,沒想到他一下說對了。不過我還是分享了那篇文章裏的其它內容。還把文章采用的圖表和地圖與文字相輔作為觀點闡述的方法與他的生物作業做了類比。因為這種類比,他有興趣地把頭伸過來,看了看那些圖表和地圖。

Aross the country, pollen season is starting earlier and intensifying because of rising global temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations. previous research showed that pollen season lengthened by 20 days over the past three decades across North America, While pollen concentrations increased by 21 percent. The most affected places were the U.S. Southeast and Midwest. 


好在MEMORIAL DAY後這兩天,每天都有短時陣雨,加之氣溫也不高,都在70上下,所以POLLEN暫時消停了。

第一次見到這種造型奇特的小花,還是在野外。欣喜成分,趕快拍下。路過的人,也停下腳欣賞。大家紛紛稱奇。回家一查,是LADY'S SLIPPER。到網上一看花開的樣子,名字和造型真的太配了!










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