
  • 博客訪問:


(2021-03-07 06:16:12) 下一個


It’s a chilly winter morning with temperature of 25F even the first day of spring is extacly 2 weeks away. I was cleaning tens of dishes from yesterday. Dish-cleaning is probably the most borning house work and top 1 trouble-maker in modern families. I have nobody to complain so I get along with it. With warm water flowing through my fingers, I began expecting the upcoming lunch.


If you think I am a food eager,then you are wrong, I am not. The expectation comes from the upcoming conversations I am going to have with my son. Teriyaki beltfish, a delicious and reminiscent dish, as the intermediate of the conversation will be on the table.  


Talking about food, everyone has their favorit food and food-relatived stories. Today, food is not only an energy resource, it means more, it carry memories, just like writing , painting, photographs, music, architecture, etc. Based on this, FOOD is part of culture for people who are not living in poverty. Today nobody can ridicule a good male cook, in contrast, a lot of women are proud of having a husband who enjoy cooking at home. Nowadays, young women are more demanding in picking their future husbands. In China, since there are more young men than young women, the competition for men is crucial.  No doubt, when young women seeking for their future husband, financial situation is still the unshakable No.1 factor in their consideration, but the more good feature and skills a man has, the bigger chance of winning a beautiful girl he will have, so more and more excellent Chinese young men are trained as a good cook by their moms.:)


Yesterday, as one of the 2 biggest movie markets in US, New York city reopened its movie theathers. The restrication include all tickets should be sold online, no food should be sold inside buildings and social distancing. It's a good start to reopen the entertainment.


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魏薇 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : I have been reading an English book on Western painting in the past a couple of months. I learned this word from that book. This word jumped into my mind immediately when I was writing this essay, unfortunely I forgot its spelling,so I have to find this word on a particular page. you have precise eyes for English and Chinese writing!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 The word "ridicule" is a good choice here!