

約翰·洛克的教育思想(中英對照)-27: 語言學習

(2017-02-16 18:07:07) 下一個

FRENCH | As soon as he can speak English, it is time for him to learn some other language: this nobody doubts of, when French is proposed. And the reason is, because people are accustomed to the right way of teaching that language, which is by talking it into children in constant conversation, and not by grammatical rules. The Latin tongue would easily be taught the same way, if his tutor, being constantly with him, would talk nothing else to him, and make him answer still in the same language. But because French is a living language, and to be used more in speaking, that should be first learned, that the yet pliant organs of speech might be accustomed to a due formation of those sounds, and he get the habit of pronouncing French well, which is the harder to be done, the longer it is delayed.

法語 |  當他一能夠說英語,就是他該學習一些別的語言的時候了:如果提議學法語,沒有人會質疑這主張。理由是,因為人們習慣用正確的方法教法語,就是通過不斷地與小孩說法語,而不是通過語法規則。拉丁語也應當用同樣的方法輕易教好,隻要他的導師一直堅持隻用拉丁語和他交談,並且讓他用拉丁語回答。不過因為法語是一種活的語言,在說話時用得多一些,應該先學,那時說話的器官還易可塑,能適應發出正確的發音,他也能習慣講好法語的發音,這是耽擱愈久就愈難做到的。

LATIN | When he can speak and read French well, which in this method is usually in a year or two, he should proceed to Latin, which it is a wonder parents, when they have had the experiment in French, should not think ought to be learned the same way, by talking and reading. Only care is to be taken, whilst he is learning those foreign languages, by speaking and reading nothing else with his tutor, that he do not forget to read English, which may be preserved by his mother or some body else, hearing him read some chosen parts of the scripture or other English book every day.

拉丁語 |  用這種方法,通常在一兩年內他就能很好地說與讀法文,這時他應該著手學拉丁文,可是奇怪的是父母在法文上有經驗,卻不認為應該同樣通過說和讀來學拉丁語。當他學習那些外國語言,與他的導師隻說外語和隻讀外語時,唯一要注意的是讓他不要忘記讀英文,這可以通過他媽媽或別人聽他每天讀挑選的經文或其它英文書來保持。

Latin I look upon as absolutely necessary to a gentleman; and indeed custom, which prevails over every thing, has made it so much a part of education, that even those children are whipped to it, and made spend many hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin, who after they are once gone from school, are never to have more to do with it as long as they live. Can there be any thing more ridiculous, than that a father should waste his own money and his son's time in setting him to learn the Roman language, when at the same time he designs him for a trade, wherein he having no use of Latin, fails not to forget that little which he brought from school, and which it is ten to one he abhors for the ill usage it procured him? Could it be believed, unless we had every where amongst us examples of it, that a child should be forced to learn the rudiments of a language which he is never to use in the course of life that he is designed to, and neglect all the while the writing a good hand and casting accounts, which are of great advantage in all conditions of life, and to most trades indispensably necessary? But though these qualifications, requisite to trade and commerce and the business of the world, are seldom or never to be had at grammar-schools, yet thither not only gentlemen send their younger sons, intended for trades, but even tradesmen and farmers fail not to send their children, though they have neither intention nor ability to make them scholars. If you ask them why they do this, they think it as strange a question as if you should ask them, why they go to church. Custom serves for reason, and has, to those who take it for reason, so consecrated this method, that it is almost religiously observed by them, and they stick to it, as if their children had scarce an orthodox education unless they learned Lilly's grammar.


But how necessary soever Latin be to some, and is thought to be to others to whom it is of no manner of use and service; yet the ordinary way of learning it in a grammar-school is that which having had thoughts about I cannot be forward to encourage. The reasons against it are so evident and cogent, that they have prevailed with some intelligent persons to quit the ordinary road, not without success, though the method made use of was not exactly what I imagine the easiest, and in short is this: to trouble the child with no grammar at all, but to have Latin, as English has been, without the perplexity of rules, talked into him; for if you will consider it, Latin is no more unknown to a child, when he comes into the world, than English: and yet he learns English without master, rule, or grammar; and so might he Latin too, as Tully did, if he had some body always to talk to him in this language. And when we so often see a French woman teach an English girl to speak and read French perfectly in a year or two, without any rule of grammar, or any thing else but prattling to her, I cannot but wonder how gentlemen have overseen this way for their sons, and thought them more dull or incapable than their daughters.


If therefore a man could be got, who himself speaking good Latin, would always be about your son, talk constantly to him, and suffer him to speak or read nothing else, this would be the true and genuine way, and that which I would propose, not only as the easiest and best, wherein a child might, without pains or chiding, get a language, which others are wont to be whipt for at school six or seven years together; but also as that, wherein at the same time he might have his mind and manners formed, and he be instructed to boot in several sciences, such as are a good part of geography, astronomy, chronology, anatomy, besides some parts of history, and all other parts of knowledge of things that fall under the senses and require little more than memory. For there, if we would take the true way, our knowledge should begin, and in those things be laid the foundation, and not in the abstract notions of logic and metaphysics, which are fitter to amuse than inform the understanding in its first setting out towards knowledge. When young men have had their heads employed a while in those abstract speculations without finding the success and improvement, or that use of them, which they expected, they are apt to have mean thoughts either of learning or themselves; they are tempted to quit their studies, and throw away their books as containing nothing but hard words and empty sounds; or else, to conclude, that if there be any real knowledge in them, they themselves have not understandings capable of it. That this is so, perhaps I could assure you upon my own experience. Amongst other things to be learned by a young gentleman in this method, whilst others of his age are wholly taken up with Latin and languages, I may also set down geometry for one; having known a young gentleman, bred something after this way, able to demonstrate several propositions in Euclid before he was thirteen.

所以假如你能找到一個自己能說很好拉丁語的人,一直在你兒子的身旁,不斷地與他說拉丁語,不讓他說或讀別的語言,這就是真正學習拉丁語的方法,我提倡這方法,不僅在於這是最容易和最好的方法,小孩可以不用辛苦、不受責罵來學會一門語言,這是別人習慣於在學校裏受鞭笞並且花六七年才學會的;而且同時小孩可以由此形成他的心理與禮儀,並且可以在另外幾種科學上得到指導,譬如地理、天文、年代學、解剖的大部分,一部分曆史,以及其它種種感性的、隻需要記憶的知識。如果我們采取這種真正的方法,我們的知識可由此開始,並且在這些事上奠定基礎,而不是奠定在邏輯與玄學的抽象概念上,因為在悟性開始獲取知識時,抽象概念不能提供信息,反而使其迷惑。年輕人把他們的頭腦用在抽象的思考,過一些時候還沒有成功與進步,或者沒有找到他們期望的用處,他們往往容易看輕學習或看輕自己;他們會試圖放棄學習,扔掉書本就好像書裏隻有困難的詞句與空洞的聲音;不然他們會下結論說,如果書中有真正的知識,那就是他們自己沒有能力去理解它。這真是如此,我也許可以用自己的親身經曆向你保證。當別的年紀相同的人全力學習拉丁語與其它語言時,一個年輕紳士應該用這種方法學習的事項中,我覺得還可以加上幾何學;我知道一個用這種方法教養的年輕紳士,在他還不到十三歲時,就能夠證明歐幾裏德 (Euclid)幾何學的幾個定理。

But if such a man cannot be got, who speaks good Latin, and being able to instruct your son in all these parts of knowledge, will undertake it by this method; the next best is to have him taught as near this way as may be, which is by taking some easy and pleasant book, such as "Aesop's Fables", and writing the English translation (made as literal as it can be) in one line, and the Latin words which answer each of them, just over it in another. These let him read every day over and over again, till he perfectly understands the Latin; and then go on to another fable, till he be also perfect in that, not omitting what he is already perfect in, but sometimes reviewing that, to keep it in his memory. And when he comes to write, let these be set him for copies, which with the exercise of his hand will also advance him to Latin. This being a more imperfect way than by talking Latin unto him; the formation of the verbs first, and afterwards the declensions of the nouns and pronouns perfectly learned by heart, may facilitate his acquaintance with the genius and manner of the Latin tongue, which varies the signification of verbs and nouns, not as the modern languages do by particles prefixed, but by changing the last syllables. More than this of grammar, it think he need not have, till he can read himself Sanctii Minerva, with Scioppius and Perizonius' notes.

但是如果你找不到這樣一個人,既能說很好的拉丁語,又能用這種方式向你兒子傳授這種種的知識;那其次最好是用盡量接近這種方式的方法來教他,就是找一本容易又有趣的書,譬如"伊索寓言 (Aesop's Fables)",把英文翻譯(盡量直譯)寫在一行,把對應的拉丁詞寫在正上麵的一行。讓他每天反複誦讀,直到他完全明白拉丁文的意思;然後再讀另一個寓言,直到他也完全掌握,不要省略他已經全懂的部分,而且不時要複習一下,免得他忘記。當他開始寫字的時候,把這些作為他的範本,這樣既練習他的手又促成他在拉丁語上的進步。這種方法沒有用拉丁語和他說話的法子好;應該先讓他熟記動詞的構造,然後再熟記名詞與代詞的位格變化,這樣能幫助他掌握拉丁語言的精髓和習慣,因為拉丁語的動詞與名詞的字意變化,不象現代語言是通過加上前綴,而是通過改變最後的音節。超過這一部分的語法,我認為他還不需要,直到他能夠自己用修皮斯 (Scioppius)和比利榮涅斯 (Perizonius)注釋來讀"Sanctii Minerva"這本書。

In teaching of children this too, I think, is to be observed, that in most cases where they stick, they are not to be farther puzzled by putting them upon finding it out themselves; as by asking such questions as these, (viz.) which is the nominative case, in the sentence they are to construe? or demanding what "aufero" signifies, to lead them to the knowledge what "abstulere" signifies, etc., when they cannot readily tell. This wastes time only in disturbing them; for whilst they are learning, and apply themselves with attention, they are to be kept in good humour, and every thing made easy to them, and as pleasant as possible. Therefore, wherever they are at a stand, and are willing to go forwards, help them presently over the difficulty, without any rebuke or chiding; remembering that, where harsher ways are taken, they are the effect only of pride and peevishness in the teacher, who expects children should instantly be masters of as much as he knows; whereas he should rather consider, that his business is to settle in them habits, not angrily to inculcate rules, which serve for little in the conduct of our lives; at least are of no use to children, who forget them as soon as given. In sciences where their reason is to be exercised, I will not deny but this method may sometimes be varied, and difficulties proposed on purpose to excite industry, and accustom the mind to employ its own strength and sagacity in reasoning. But yet, I guess, this is not to be done to children, whilst very young, nor at their entrance upon any sort of knowledge: then every thing of itself is difficult, and the great use and skill of a teacher is to make all as easy as he can, but particularly in learning of languages there is least occasion for posing of children. For languages being to be learned by rote, custom, and memory, are then spoken in greatest perfection, when all rules of grammar are utterly forgotten. I grant the grammar of a language is sometimes very carefully to be studied, but it is not to be studied but by a grown man, when he applies himself to the understanding of any language critically, which is seldom the business of any but professed scholars. This I think will be agreed to, that if a gentleman be to study any language, it ought to be that of his own country, that he may understand the language which he has constant use of, with the utmost accuracy.

在教育小孩上,我覺得還有一點要注意,就是當他們遇到阻礙,不要讓他們自己去解決,免得他們更受困擾;就如問他們這些問題,譬如他們要詮釋的句子的主格是什麽?或者當他們不能立即回答,為讓他們明白"拿走 (用於第二人稱單數)" (abstulere)的意思,就去問他們"拿走 (用於第三人稱多數)" (aufero)的含義。這隻是浪費時間來幹擾他們;因為當他們專心學習的時候,應該使他們保持愉快的心情,一切事情都要使他們覺得容易,讓他們盡量感到快樂。所以,無論他們在什麽地方遇到困難,並且願意前行的時候,你應該立即幫助他們克服困難,而不要有任何訓斥責罵;記住,如果老師用比較嚴苛的方法,那隻是老師驕傲和脾氣暴躁的緣故,他期望孩子們馬上能掌握他知道的所有東西;然而他真該想一想,老師的職責是培養他們的習慣,而不是怒氣衝衝地向他們灌輸規矩,規矩對我們的生活行為沒有什麽用處;至少對小孩是沒有用處的,他們學到規矩立刻就忘記了。至於需要運用理性的科學方麵,我承認這個方法有時要有改變,可以故意提出一些困難來激發他們的努力,讓他們能習慣運用心智的能力與聰敏來推理思考。但是我覺得當孩子很小的時候這是不合適的,在他們剛接觸任何一種知識也不適用;那時每一件事情本身都是困難的,一個老師的重要作用與技巧是盡量使一切變得容易,特別是學習語言最不該讓孩子困窘。因為語言是靠背誦、習慣和記憶來學習的,然後當所有的語法規則都最終忘記後,才能說得最完美。我承認一門語言的語法有時需要非常仔細地研究,但是那隻能是由自己想做批判性理解的成人來研究,這隻能是專業學者的工作。我想這是大家同意的,如果一個紳士要研究任何一門語言,他應該研究他自己國家的語言,這樣他可以對自己常用的語言有最準確的理解。

There is yet a farther reason, why masters and teachers should raise no difficulties to their scholars; but, on the contrary, should smooth their way, and readily help them forwards, where they find them stop. Children's minds are narrow and weak, and usually susceptible but of one thought at once. Whatever is in a child's head, fills it for the time, especially if set on with any passion. It should therefore be the skill and art of the teacher to clear their heads of all other thoughts whilst they are learning of any thing, the better to make room for what he would instill into them, that it may be received with attention and application, without which it leaves no impression. The natural temper of children disposes their minds to wander. Novelty alone takes them; whatever that presents, they are presently eager to have a taste of, and are as soon satiated with it. They quickly grow weary of the same thing, and so have almost their whole delight in change and variety. It is a contradiction to the natural state of childhood for them to fix their fleeting thoughts. Whether this be owing to the temper of their brains, or the quickness or instability of their animal spirits, over which the mind has not yet got a full command; this is visible, that it is a pain to children to keep their thoughts steady to any thing. A lasting continued attention is one of the hardest tasks can be imposed on them; and therefore, he that requires their application, should endeavour to make what he proposes as grateful and agreeable as possible; at least he ought to take care not to join any displeasing or frightful idea with it. If they come not to their books with some kind of liking and relish, it is no wonder their thoughts should be perpetually shifting from what disgusts them, and seek better entertainment in more pleasing objects, after which they will unavoidably be gadding.


It is, I know, the usual method of tutors, to endeavour to procure attention in their scholars, and to fix their minds to the business in hand, by rebukes and corrections, if they find them ever so little wandering. But such treatment is sure to produce the quite contrary effect. Passionate words or blows from the tutor fill the child's mind with terror and affrightment, which immediately takes it wholly up, and leaves no room for other impressions. I believe there is nobody that reads this, but may recollect what disorder hasty or imperious words from his parents or teachers have caused in his thoughts; how for the time it has turned his brains, so that he scarce knew what was said by or to him. He presently lost the sight of what he was upon, his mind was filled with disorder and confusion, and in that state was no longer capable of attention to any thing else.


It is true, parents and governors ought to settle and establish their authority by an awe over the minds of those under their tuition, and to rule them by that; but when they have got an ascendant over them, they should use it with great moderation, and not make themselves such scare-crows that their scholars should always tremble in their sight. Such an austerity may make their government easy to themselves, but of very little use to their pupils. It is impossible children should learn any thing whilst their thoughts are possessed and disturbed with any passion, especially fear, which makes the strongest impression on their yet tender and weak spirits. Keep the mind in an easy calm temper, when you would have it receive your instructions or any increase of knowledge. It is as impossible to draw fair and regular characters on a trembling mind as on a shaking paper.


The great skill of a teacher is to get and keep the attention of his scholar; whilst he has that, he is sure to advance as fast as the learner's abilities will carry him; and without that, all his bustle and pother will be to little or no purpose. To attain this, he should make the child comprehend (as much as may be) the usefulness of what he teaches him, and let him see, by what he has learnt, that he can do something which he could not do before, something which gives him some power and real advantage above others who are ignorant of it. To this he should add sweetness in all his instructions, and by a certain tenderness in his whole carriage, make the child sensible that he loves him and designs nothing but his good, the only way to beget love in the child, which will make him hearken to his lessons, and relish what he teaches him.


Nothing but obstinacy should meet with any imperiousness or rough usage. All other faults should be corrected with a gentle hand; and kind, encouraging words will work better and more effectually upon a willing mind, and even prevent a good deal of that perverseness which rough and imperious usage often produces in well-disposed and generous minds. It is true, obstinacy and wilful neglects must be mastered, even though it cost blows to do it: but I am apt to think perverseness in the pupils is often the effect of frowardness in the tutor; and that most children would seldom have deserved blows, if needless and misapplied roughness had not taught them ill-nature, and given them an aversion to their teacher, and all that comes from him.


Inadvertency, forgetfulness, unsteadiness, and wandering of thought, are the natural faults of childhood: and therefore, when they are not observed to be wilful, are to be mentioned softly, and gained upon by time. If every slip of this kind produces anger and rating, the occasions of rebuke and corrections will return so often, that the tutor will be a constant terror and uneasiness to his pupils; which one thing is enough to hinder their profiting by his lessons, and to defeat all his methods of instruction.


Let the awe he has got upon their minds be so tempered with the constant marks of tenderness and good will, that affection may spur them to their duty, and make them find a pleasure in complying with his dictates. This will bring them with satisfaction to their tutor; make them hearken to him, as to one who is their friend, that cherishes them, and takes pains for their good: this will keep their thoughts easy and free whilst they are with him, the only temper wherein the mind is capable of receiving new informations, and of admitting into itself those impressions, which, if not taken and retained, all that they and their teachers do together is lost labour; there is much uneasiness and little learning.


When, by this way of interlining Latin and English one with another, he has got a moderate knowledge of the Latin tongue, he may then be advanced a little farther to the reading of some other easy Latin book, such as Justin, or Eutropius; and to make the reading and understanding of it the less tedious, and difficult to him, let him help himself, if he please, with the English translation. Nor let the objection, that he will then know it only by rote, fright any one. This, when well considered, is not of any moment against, but plainly for, this way of learning a language; for languages are only to be learned by rote; and a man, who does not speak English or Latin perfectly by rote, so that having thought of the thing he would speak of, his tongue of course, without thought of rule or grammar, falls into the proper expression and idiom of that language, does not speak it well, nor is master of it. And I would fain have any one name to me that tongue, that any one can learn or speak as he should do, by the rules of grammar. Languages were made not by rules or art, but by accident, and the common use of the people. And he that will speak them well, has no other rule but that: nor any thing to trust to but his memory, and the habit of speaking after the fashion learned from those that are allowed to speak properly, which, in other words, is only to speak by rote.

通過學習相間排列的拉丁文和英文,他對拉丁語具備了一定程度的知識,他就可以進一步閱讀一些別的容易的拉丁書,例如賈斯廷 (Justin)或者遊措皮亞斯 (Eutropius);為了使他在閱讀和理解方麵不感到枯燥和困難,假如他願意,讓他用英語譯文幫助他自己。有一種反對的說法,認為這樣他隻能靠死記硬背來學習,不要讓這說法嚇壞了任何人。這種方法,仔細想一想,是一點都不與學習語言的方法相衝突的,反而明顯就是學語言的方法;因為語言就隻能通過死記硬背來學習;而且一個人不能靠死記硬背來完美地說英語或拉丁語,那他既不可能說得很好,也不可能精通它;而靠死記硬背學語言,他隻要考慮他想說的事情,不必考慮規則或語法,他的舌頭自然就能說出那種語言的恰當表述和習語。我倒是樂意有人能夠找出一種任何人都可以靠語法規則就能學好或說好的語言。語言不是靠規則或人為造成的,而是靠偶然和人們的共同用法而形成的。他如果想說好語言,隻有一條規則:他不能憑藉別的任何東西,隻能靠他的記憶,以及遵從準確講說這些語言的人的方法來說的一種習慣,換句話說,就是隻有靠死記硬背來說。

GRAMMAR | It will possibly be asked here, Is grammar then of no use? And have those who have taken so much pains in reducing several languages to rules and observations, who have written so much about declensions and conjugations, about concords and syntaxis, lost their labour, and been learned to no purpose? I say not so; grammar has its place too. But this I think I may say, there is more stir a great deal made with it than there needs, and those are tormented about it, to whom it does not at all belong; I mean children, at the age wherein they are usually perplexed with it in grammar-schools.

語法 |  這裏也許有人會問,難道語法就沒有任何用處嗎?那些人如此辛苦地把幾種語言精簡成規則和觀察發現,寫了如此多關於名詞、代詞的詞尾變化和動詞的詞形變化,關於語句(數、性等的)一致性和句法規則的,難道他們的勞力都白費了,學了也沒有一點用處嗎?我說不是這樣,語法也有它的地位。但是我覺得我可以說,語法引起很多不必要的困擾,而那些為此備受折磨的人,他們一點都不需要語法;我指的是孩子們,他們這個年紀他們通常在文法學校中為語法所困擾。

There is nothing more evident, than that languages learned by rote serve well enough for the common affairs of life and ordinary commerce. Nay, persons of quality of the softer sex, and such of them as have spent their time in well-bred company, show us, that this plain natural way, without the least study or knowledge of grammar, can carry them to a great degree of elegancy and politeness in their language: and there are ladies who, without knowing what tenses and participles, adverbs and prepositions are, speak as properly, and as correctly, (they might take it for an ill compliment, if I said as any country school-master,) as most gentlemen who have been bred up in the ordinary methods of grammar-schools. Grammar therefore we see may be spared in some cases. The question then will be, To whom should it be taught, and when? To this I answer,


1. Men learn languages for the ordinary intercourse of society, and communication of thoughts in common life, without any farther design in their use of them. And for this purpose the original way of learning a language by conversation not only serves well enough, but is to be preferred, as the most expedite, proper, and natural. Therefore to this use of language one may answer, that grammar is not necessary. This so many of my readers must be forced to allow, as understand what I here say, and who, conversing with others, understand them without having ever been taught the grammar of the English tongue: which I suppose is the case of incomparably the greatest part of Englishmen; of whom I have never yet known any one who learned his mother-tongue by rules.

1. 人們學習語言是為了日常社交和一般生活中的信息交流,沒有更進一步的用處。為了這種目的,原來用對話學習一門語言的方法不僅夠用,而且應該作為最省時、最合適、最自然的方法來提倡。所以對於語言的這種用途,回答是語法並沒有必要。對此我的許多讀者不得不同意,他們雖然沒有學過英語語法,他們能理解我所說的,也能理解與他們交談的人所說的;我認為這種情形占了英國人中無可比擬的絕大多數,我從沒有聽說其中任何人通過規則來學會母語的。

2. Others there are, the greatest part of whose business in this world is to be done with their tongues and with their pens; and to these it is convenient, if not necessary, that they should speak properly and correctly, whereby they may let their thoughts into other men's minds the more easily, and with the greater impression. Upon this account it is, that any sort of speaking, so as will make him be understood, is not thought enough for a gentleman. He ought to study grammar amongst the other helps of speaking well, but it must be the grammar of his own tongue, of the language he uses, that he may understand his own country speech nicely, and speak it properly, without shocking the ears of those it is addressed to, with solecisms and offensive irregularities. And to this purpose grammar is necessary; but it is the grammar only of their own proper tongues, and to those only who would take pains in cultivating their language, and in perfecting their styles. Whether all gentlemen should not do this, I leave to be considered, since the want of propriety and grammatical exactness is thought very misbecoming one of that rank, and usually draws on one guilty of such faults the censure of having had a lower breeding and worse company than suits with his quality. If this be so, (as I suppose it is) it will be matter of wonder why young gentlemen are forced to learn the grammars of foreign and dead languages, and are never once told of the grammar of their own tongues, they do not so much as know there is any such thing, much less is it made their business to be instructed in it. Nor is their own language ever proposed to them as worthy their care and cultivating, though they have daily use of it, and are not seldom, in the future course of their lives, judged of by their handsome or awkward way of expressing themselves in it. Whereas the languages whose grammars they have been so much employed in, are such as probably they shall scarce ever speak or write; or if, upon occasion, this should happen, they should be excused for the mistakes and faults they make in it. Would not a Chinese who took notice of this way of breeding, be apt to imagine that all our young gentlemen were designed to be teachers and professors of the dead languages of foreign countries, and not to be men of business in their own?

2. 另外還有人,他們世上工作的絕大部分是通過口舌筆墨來達成的;他們恰當正確地說話,如果不是必需的,對他們自己也是有裨益,借此他們可以使自己的思想更容易進入別人的心裏,留下更深的印象。從這一點來說,一個紳士的任何講話,隻是能讓人聽懂是不夠的。他應當學習語法以及其它能幫助他很好講話的方法,但那必須他的母語、他所使用的語言的語法,因而他能很好地明白他自己國家的言語,並且能說得恰當,不至以違反語法和令人不快的不合規範的話語,使聽到的人感到刺耳。為此目的語法是必要的;但是這隻限於他們自己的純正語言的語法,而且隻限於那些願意努力培養自己的語言技巧和完善自己的語言風格的人。至於所有的紳士是不是該這樣做,我留給大家思考,因為說話不得體與缺乏語法的精確被認為是非常不適宜於那個階層的,有這種缺陷的人常常被人責備,說他的教養與夥伴都不符合他的身份。假如真是這樣(我推測確是如此),那麽為什麽年輕的紳士被強迫學習外國的、已經死亡的語言的語法,卻從沒有被告知他們母語的語法,他們完全不知道有這種東西,更不用說正式去學習它,這真是很奇怪的。也從沒有人告訴他們,說他們本國的語言值得去用心、值得去鍛煉提高,雖然他們要天天使用它,在將來的生活中也不時被人根據他們能不能很好地用它表達自己來判斷他們。而他們費力學習過語法的語言,他們可能很少會有機會去說或寫;即使偶爾有這樣的機會,其中他們犯的錯誤也會得到原諒。假如一個中國人看見這樣的教養方法,他難到不會以為我們所有的年輕紳士都打算做傳授外國死去的語言的老師和教授,而不是做自己語言的行家嗎?

3. There is a third sort of men, who applying themselves to two or three foreign, dead (and which amongst us are called the learned) languages, make them their study, and pique themselves upon their skill in them. No doubt those who propose to themselves the learning of any language with this view, and would be critically exact in it, ought carefully to study the grammar of it. I would not be mistaken here, as if this were to undervalue Greek and Latin: I grant these are languages of great use and excellency; and a man can have no place amongst the learned, in this part of the world, who is a stranger to them. But the knowledge a gentleman would ordinarily draw for his use, out of the Roman and Greek writers, I think he may attain without studying the grammars of those tongues, and, by bare reading, may come to understand them sufficiently for all his purposes. How much farther he shall at any time be concerned to look into the grammar and critical niceties of either of these tongues, he himself will be able to determine, when he comes to propose to himself the study of any thing that shall require it. Which brings me to the other part of the inquiry, viz.

3. 還有第三種人,他們致力於研究兩三種外國的、死的語言(也就是我們所說的學究語言),並且以精通它們為榮。毫無疑問那些以這種看法去學習任何語言的、願意精準掌握它的人,的確該仔細研究它的語法。這裏我不想被人誤解,好像貶低希臘語和拉丁語的價值:我承認這些是非常有用、非常優美的語言;一個人若不懂得它們,在這一片世界上就不能躋身於有學問的人中間。但是對一個紳士的有用知識,可以從羅馬與希臘的作家那裏獲得,我認為他不需要學習這些語言的語法,隻靠閱讀就能充分理解它們,達到他所有的目的。他究竟需要考慮鑽研多少這兩種語言的語法及其它精妙之處,當他研究任何事情有了這種需要的時候,他自己就能夠決定。這就把我引到問題的另一部分,就是:

"When grammar should be taught?"

To which upon the premised grounds, the answer is obvious, viz.

That if grammar ought to be taught at any time, it must be to one that can speak the language already; how else can he be taught the grammar of it? This at least is evident from the practice of the wise and learned nations amongst the ancients. They made it a part of education to cultivate their own, not foreign tongues. The Greeks counted all other nations barbarous, and had a contempt for their languages. And though the Greek learning grew in credit amongst the Romans, towards the end of their commonwealth, yet it was the Roman tongue that was made the study of their youth: their own language they were to make use of, and therefore it was their own language they were instructed and exercised in.


But more particularly to determine the proper season for grammar, I do not see how it can reasonably be made any one's study, but as an introduction to rhetoric; when it is thought time to put any one upon the care of polishing his tongue, and of speaking better than the illiterate, then is the time for him to be instructed in the rules of grammar, and not before. For grammar being to teach men not to speak, but to speak correctly and according to the exact rules of the tongue, which is one part of elegancy, there is little use of the one to him that has no need of the other; where rhetoric is not necessary, grammar may be spared. I know not why any one should waste his time, and beat his head about the Latin grammar, who does not intend to be a critic, or make speeches and write dispatches in it. When any one finds in himself a necessity or disposition to study any foreign language to the bottom, and to be nicely exact in the knowledge of it, it will be time enough to take a grammatical survey of it. If his use of it be only to understand some books written in it, without a critical knowledge of the tongue itself, reading alone, as I have said, will attain this end, without charging the mind with the multiplied rules and intricacies of grammar.


For the exercise of his writing, let him sometimes translate Latin into English: but the learning of Latin being nothing but the learning of words, a very unpleasant business both to young and old, join as much other real knowledge with it as you can, beginning still with that which lies most obvious to the senses; such as is the knowledge of minerals, plants, and animals, and particularly timber and fruit-trees, their parts and ways of propagation, wherein a great deal may be taught a child, which will not be useless to the man: but more especially geography, astronomy, and anatomy. But, whatever you are teaching him, have a care still, that you do not clog him with too much at once; or make any thing his business but downright virtue, or reprove him for any thing but vice or some apparent tendency to it.


But if after all his fate be to go to school to get the Latin tongue, it will be in vain to talk to you concerning the method I think best to be observed in schools. You must submit to that you find there, not expect to have it changed for your son; but yet by all means obtain, if you can, that he be not employed in making Latin themes and declamations, and least of all, verses of any kind. You may insist on it, if it will do any good, that you have no design to make him either a Latin orator or poet, but barely would have him understand perfectly a Latin author; and that you observe those who teach any of the modern languages, and that with success, never amuse their scholars to make speeches or verses either in French or Italian, their business being language barely, and not invention.


THEMES | But to tell you, a little more fully, why I would not have him exercised in making of themes and verses: 1. As to themes, they have, I confess, the pretence of something useful, which is to teach people to speak handsomely and well on any subject; which, if it could be attained this way, I own would be a great advantage; there being nothing more becoming a gentleman, nor more useful in all the occurrences of life, than to be able, on any occasion, to speak well, and to the purpose. But this I say, that the making of themes, as is usual in schools, helps not one jot towards it; for do but consider what it is in making a theme that a young lad is employed about; it is to make a speech on some Latin saying, as "Omnia vincit amor (Latin: Love conquers all)," or "Non licet in bello bis peccare," etc. And here the poor lad, who wants knowledge of those things he is to speak of, which is to be had only from time and observation, must set his invention on the rack, to say something where he knows nothing, which is a sort of Egyptian tyranny, to bid them make bricks who have not yet any of the materials. And therefore it is usual, in such cases, for the poor children to go to those of higher forms with this petition, "Pray give me a little sense;" which, whether it be more reasonable or more ridiculous, is not easy to determine. Before a man can be in any capacity to speak on any subject, it is necessary he be acquainted with it; or else it is as foolish to set him to discourse of it, as to set a blind man to talk of colours, or a deaf man of music. And would you not think him a little cracked who would require another to make an argument on a moot point, who understands nothing of our laws? And what, I pray, do school-boys understand concerning those matters, which are used to be proposed to them in their themes, as subjects to discourse on, to whet and exercise their fancies?

作文 | 但是這裏更詳細地告訴你,我為什麽不讓他練習作文與寫詩:1. 就作文而言,我承認它們看來似乎有用,就是可以教人在任何話題上都能說得又漂亮又好;假如真能用這方法達到目的,我承認那有很大好處;沒有比能在任何場合說得好、說得中肯更能表現一個紳士,在所有生活際遇中更有用處。但是我要說,通常學校裏的作文,一點都不能幫助人達到這個目的;因為隻要想一想,年輕人在作文時幹什麽;那隻是講一些拉丁成語,例如"愛情戰勝一切"或"戰爭中不允許犯兩次錯"(拉丁語: "Non licet in bello bis peccare)等等。而且這個可憐的孩子,他對自己要講述的事情缺乏知識,而那些知識隻能從時間與閱曆得來,他不得不冥思苦想,去講一些他一點也不知道的事情,這就像一種埃及暴政,他們沒有任何材料卻要做出磚來。所以常常在這種情形下,這些可憐的小孩隻能到更高年級的人那裏去求助,"請給我一點悟性吧";這究竟是更合理還是更可笑,還很難說。一個人在對任何題目發表意見之前,他需要先熟悉它;否則讓他去論述它就如同叫一個盲人去談顏色、叫一個聾人去講音樂一樣愚蠢。如果一個人讓另一個完全不懂我們法律的人來做法學的辯論,你難道不覺得他古怪異常嗎?而且為了激發與鍛煉學生的想象力,就讓他們作文去討論一些主題,我且請問他們到底對此有多少理解?

In the next place, consider the language that their themes are made in: it is Latin, a language foreign in their country, and long since dead every-where; a language which your son, it is a thousand to one, shall never have an occasion once to make a speech in as long as he lives, after he comes to be a man; and a language wherein the manner of expressing one's self is so far different from ours, that to be perfect in that, would very little improve the purity and facility of his English style. Besides that, there is now so little room or use for set speeches in our own language in any part of our English business, that I can see no pretence for this sort of exercise in our schools; unless it can be supposed, that the making of set Latin speeches should be the way to teach men to speak well in English extempore. The way to that I should think rather to be this: that there should be proposed to young gentlemen rational and useful questions, suited to their age and capacities, and on subjects not wholly unknown to them nor out of their way: such as these, when they are ripe for exercises of this nature, they should extempore, or after a little meditation upon the spot, speak to, without penning of any thing. For I ask, if he will examine the effects of this way of learning to speak well, who speak best in any business, when occasion calls them to it upon any debate; either those who have accustomed themselves to compose and write down before-hand what they would say; or those, who thinking only of the matter to understand that as well as they can, use themselves only to speak extempore? And he that shall judge by this, will be little apt to think, that the accustoming him to study speeches, and set compositions, is the way to fit a young gentleman for business.

2. 接下來考慮他們作文所用的語言:那是拉丁語,一種早已死亡的外語;這種語言在你的兒子長大成人後,一生中很難有千分之一的機會用它來發言;而且用這語言來表達自己的方式不同於英語,很完美地使用它對提高他英語風格的純粹和熟練很少有幫助。另外,就是在我們英國的事務中,也很少會用到預先準備的英文講稿,所以我不能看出有什麽理由在學校進行這樣的練習;除非能斷定,習慣用拉丁文講稿演講可以教人用英語即興講演。我認為進到即興講演的方法該是這樣:要向年輕的紳士提一些與他們年紀和能力相符的、合理而有用的問題,問題的主題不要對他們是完全陌生或不相幹;當他們長大成熟能做這樣的練習,叫他們不用筆寫,即席或稍微思索後就講。因為我問你,如果去考查這種學習說話的效果,你覺得在任何事務中,誰會在任何辯論場合說得最好?是那些習慣在事前寫稿記下他們要說的話的人,還是那些臨時思索問題,盡力弄懂,即席就講的人呢?如果這樣去判斷,就不會認為使他習慣背誦演講詞和預先準備的文稿是讓一個年輕紳士適合職業的正確方法。

But perhaps we shall be told, it is to improve and perfect them in the Latin tongue. It is true, that is their proper business at school; but the making of themes is not the way to it: that perplexes their brains, about invention of things to be said, not about the signification of words to be learnt; and when they are making a theme, it is thoughts they search and sweat for, and not language. But the learning and mastery of a tongue, being uneasy and unpleasant enough in itself, should not be cumbered with any other difficulties, as is done in this way of proceeding. In fine, if boys' invention be to be quickened by such exercise, let them make themes in English, where they have facility, and a command of words, and will better see what kind of thoughts they have, when put into their own language. And if the Latin tongue be to be learned, let it be done in the easiest way, without toiling and disgusting the mind by so uneasy an employment as that of making speeches joined to it.


VERSES | If these may be any reasons against children's making Latin themes at school, I have much more to say, and of more weight, against their making verses of any sort, for, if he has no genius to poetry, it is the most unreasonable thing in the world to torment a child, and waste his time about that which can never succeed; and if he have a poetic vein, it is to me the strangest thing in the world, that the father should desire or suffer it to be cherished or improved. Methinks the parents should labour to have it stifled and suppressed as much as may be; and I know not what reason a father can have to wish his son a poet, who does not desire to have him bid defiance to all other callings and business; which is not yet the worst of the case; for if he proves a successful rhymer, and gets once the reputation of a wit, I desire it may be considered, what company and places he is like to spend his time in, nay, and estate too: for it is very seldom seen, that any one discovers mines of gold or silver in Parnassus. It is a pleasant air, but a barren soil; and there are very few instances of those who have added to their patrimony by any thing they have reaped from thence. Poetry and gaming, which usually go together, are alike in this too, that they seldom bring any advantage, but to those who have nothing else to live on. Men of estates almost constantly go away losers; and it is well if they escape at a cheaper rate than their whole estates, or the greatest part of them. If therefore you would not have your son the fiddle to every jovial company, without whom the sparks could not relish their wine, nor know how to pass an afternoon idly; if you would not have him waste his time and estate to divert others, and contemn the dirty acres left him by his ancestors, I do not think you will much care he should be a poet, or that his school-master should enter him in versifying. But yet, if any one will think poetry a desirable quality in his son, and that the study of it would raise his fancy and parts, he must need yet confess, that, to that end, reading the excellent Greek and Roman poets, is of more use than making bad verses of his own, in a language that is not his own. And he, whose design it is to excel in English poetry, would not, I guess, think the way to it were to make his first essays in Latin verses.

詩文 |  如果這些可以作為反對小孩在學校寫拉丁作文的理由,我有更多更重的話去反對他們作任何類型的詩,因為假如他沒有寫詩的天才,那是世上最沒有道理的折磨小孩的事情,把他的時間浪費在決不可能成功的事情上;而假如他有詩人的氣質,父親還想意圖或容許它得到維護與提高,我認為那是世上最奇怪的事情。我覺得父母應該盡力壓製它;而且我想不出一個父親不想使兒子輕視其它職業與工作,有什麽理由希望他成為一個詩人;這還不是最糟糕的情況;因為假如他被證明是一個成功的詩人,得到一個才子的名聲,我認為該考慮一下,他與什麽夥伴、在什麽地方消耗他的時間,不但如此,還有怎麽花費他的財產:因為很少能在詩壇中發掘到金礦或銀礦。那是令人愉快的空氣,卻是貧瘠的土地;很少有人能從那裏收獲什麽去添加到他們的祖產中。詩歌與賭博常在一起,它們有一點也很相似,就是它們沒有什麽好處,除了使那些別無所長的人得益。有家產的人幾乎總是受損失;如果他們沒有失去他們全部或最大部分的財產就不錯了。所以假如你不想讓你的兒子成為每一個快樂聚會的提琴手,使他們離了他就飲酒淡然無味,也不知道如何懶散地消磨下午的時間;假如你不想讓他浪費他的時間與財產去娛樂別人,並且鄙棄祖先遺下的土地,我認為你不該十分關切他是否成為詩人,或者學校老師是否教他寫詩。但是即使有人認為寫詩是他兒子可取的品質,研究作詩可以增進他的想象與才能,他也必須承認,要達到那個目的,閱讀優秀的希臘與羅馬詩人的作品,比他兒子用外語寫糟糕的詩更有用。而那決意要寫好英文詩的人,我認為他決不會以為要通過先寫拉丁詩來實現。

Another thing, very ordinary in the vulgar method of grammar-schools, there is, of which I see no use at all, unless it be to balk young lads in the way to learning languages, which, in my opinion, should be made as easy and pleasant as may be; and that which was painful in it, as much as possible quite removed. That which I mean, and here complain of, is, their being forced to learn by heart great parcels of the authors which are taught them; wherein I can discover no advantage at all, especially to the business they are upon. Languages are to be learnt only by reading and talking, and not by scraps of authors got by heart; which when a man's head is stuffed with, he has got the just furniture of a pedant, and it is the ready way to make him one, than which there is nothing less becoming a gentleman. For what can be more ridiculous, than to mix the rich and handsome thoughts and sayings of others with a deal of poor stuff of his own; which is thereby the more exposed; and has no other grace in it, nor will otherwise recommend the speaker, than a thread-bare russet-coat would that was set off with large patches of scarlet and glittering brocade? Indeed, where a passage comes in the way, whose matter is worth remembrance, and the expression of it very close and excellent, (as there are many such in the ancient authors,) it may not be amiss to lodge it in the minds of young scholars, and with such admirable strokes of those great masters sometimes exercise the memories of school-boys: but their learning of their lessons by heart, as they happen to fall out in their books without choice or distinction, I know not what it serves for, but to mispend their time and pains, and give them a disgust and aversion to their books, wherein they find nothing but useless trouble.

文法學校的一般方法中,還有另外一種很常見的,我覺得是沒有一點用處,除非是為了阻礙年輕人學習語言;而語言學習,我認為應該弄得盡量容易與有趣,那些痛苦的成分應盡力去除。我這裏所說、所反對的是,他們被迫記住教給他們的許多作家;我認為這沒有一點好處,特別是對他們正從事的工作。學習語言隻能通過閱讀與交談,而不是通過記住作家的隻言片語;一個人的頭腦中充滿了這種東西,他得到隻是一個學究的飾品,也是將他變成學究的現成方法,那再沒有比這更不適合一個紳士的。因為沒有什麽更荒謬的,就是把別人所說的豐富漂亮的思想和說法摻雜在他自己一堆糟糕的素材中;這樣更加顯示他的糟糕;其中沒有一點優雅的成分,也不能使得講話人受人歡迎,就如同一件破舊的褐衣補綴上大片鮮紅與閃光的錦緞一樣的。確實,當年輕的學生碰到一段值得記憶的文章,它表達得非常緊湊與優美 (古代作家有很多這樣的文章),他們用心記下也是不錯的,因為這些偉大作家的令人敬仰的文筆有時能夠鍛煉學生的記憶。但是他們不加選擇和區別地背誦課文,我不認為有什麽用處,除了浪費他們的時間與精力,使他們厭惡憎恨書本,在其中他們隻找到無用的麻煩。

I hear it is said, that children should be employed in getting things by heart, to exercise and improve their memories. I could wish this were said with as much authority of reason, as it is with forwardness of assurance; and that this practice were established upon good observation, more than old custom; for it is evident, that strength of memory is owing to an happy constitution, and not to any habitual improvement got by exercise. It is true, what the mind is intent upon, and for fear of letting it slip, often imprints afresh on itself by frequent reflection, that it is apt to retain, but still according to its own natural strength of retention. An impression made on bees wax or lead will not last so long as on brass or steel. Indeed, if it be renewed often, it may last the longer; but every new reflecting on it is a new impression, and it is from thence one is to reckon, if one would know how long the mind retains it. But the learning pages of Latin by heart, no more fits the memory for retention of any thing else, than the graving of one sentence in lead, makes it the more capable of retaining firmly any other characters. If such a sort of exercise of the memory were able to give it strength, and improve our parts, players of all other people must needs have the best memories, and be the best company; but whether the scraps they have got into their head this way, make them remember other things the better; and whether their parts be improved proportionably to the pains they have taken in getting by heart other sayings; experience will show. Memory is so necessary to all parts and conditions of life, and so little is to be done without it, that we are not to fear it should grow dull and useless for want of exercise, if exercise would make it grow stronger. But I fear this faculty of the mind is not capable of much help and amendment in general, by any exercise or endeavour of ours, at least not by that used upon this pretence in grammar-schools. And if Xerxes was able to call every common soldier by his name, in his army, that consisted of no less than an hundred thousand men, I think it may be guessed, he got not this wonderful ability by learning his lessons by heart, when he was a boy. This method of exercising and improving the memory by toilsome repetitions without book of what they read, is, I think, little used in the education of princes, which if it had that advantage talked of, should be as little neglected in them, as in the meanest school-boys: princes having as much need of good memories as any men living, and have generally an equal share in this faculty with other men; though it has never been taken care of this way. What the mind is intent upon and careful of, that it remembers best, and for the reason above mentioned: to which if method and order be joined, all is done, I think, that can be, for the help of a weak memory; and he that will take any other way to do it, especially that of charging it with a train of other people's words, which he that learns cares not for, will, I guess, scarce find the profit answer half the time and pains employed in it.


I do not mean hereby, that there should be no exercise given to children's memories. I think their memories should be employed, but not in learning by rote whole pages out of books, which, the lesson being once said, and that task over, are delivered up again to oblivion and neglected for ever. This mends neither the memory nor the mind. What they should learn by heart out of authors, I have above mentioned: and such wise and useful sentences, being once given in charge to their memories, they should never be suffered to forget again, but be often called to account for them: whereby, besides the use those sayings may be to them in their future life, as so many good rules and observations; they will be taught to reflect often, and bethink themselves what they have to remember, which is the only way to make the memory quick and useful. The custom of frequent reflection will keep their minds from running adrift, and call their thoughts home from useless inattentive roving: and therefore I think it may do well, to give them something every day to remember; but something still, that is in itself worth the remembering, and what you would never have out of mind, whenever you call or they themselves search for it. This will oblige them often to turn their thoughts inwards, than which you cannot wish them a better intellectual habit.



摘自Some Thoughts Concerning Education (English-Chinese Edition)(ISBN-10: 1537479857)

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