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上周五,Ohio 州 Matt Cox 的十歲女兒說:爸爸,下周要你開車送我上學了。原來她第二次欺負同學,被學校禁止乘校車三天。父親讓她在攝氏兩度的低溫天氣裏,步行5英裏上學。他開車在後麵跟著,將過程拍下放到網絡,引來兩千萬次圍觀。受罰後的女兒意識到欺淩是嚴重的錯誤,她向被欺負的同學道歉了 ...
We need more parents like this, a parent actually punishing their child for bullying seems to be rare.
Daughter will grow up to be a good girl with tough parenthood?.
Dad of the year. Daughter will be a better person for the rest of her life.
"Parents need to hold their kids accountable". well said dad?.
He didn’t do too far. Bullies sometimes destroy other human beings!
If every parent did this to their child for bullying we would have less bullying?.
Good dad. You don’t find parents much anymore that discipline.