Ted Cruz幹的漂亮,不是因為我喜歡他,也不是因為他不陰險,不精於計算,而是他昨天的發言捍衛了右派們最珍貴的價值體係: " 由憲法第一修正案所保證的言論自由和personal liberty ", 顯示了一個真右派的本色。
這些價值在如今Trump和他的支持者的眼中,恐怕決比不上 "Personal loyalty, conform, follow " 來的重要。
Trump 身邊的人,從電視中的表現來看,看他像看個偉人,談起他像談起皇上。
看看如今的chris christie, 自從投奔了trump, 整個一個笑話。
而昨天他的支持者們的表現,更像是紅衛兵在捍衛chairman mao....
According to the National Archives Federal Register, as of July 7, during his two terms, Obama has issued 244 executive orders.
President George W. Bush: 291 executive orders.
President Bill Clinton: 364 executive orders.
President George H.W. Bush: 166 executive orders.
President Ronald Reagan: 381 executive orders.
President Jimmy Carter: 320 executive orders.
And President Gerald Ford: 169 executive orders.
Taking the average of all those orders, the number is 276. At 244 orders, Obama could be said to have issued fewer orders than average among his cohorts of the past 40 years.
Well said!
本來,美國政壇的兩黨之爭在於治國理念, 不傷國體。而床鋪把自己當成獨裁者,他危及了美國的立國之本:平等,自由民主。所以 不論是哪一派,都該抵製他。