
Getting into autophagy

(2022-12-28 22:50:27) 下一個
  1. Autophagy recycles old damaged proteins to make new ones
  2. The damaged proteins are caused by AGEs - advanced glycation end products
  3. The best way to get into autophagy is by doing intermittent fasting, then OMAD, dry OMAD
  4. macrononutrients=moderation; micronutrients=varieties 

Intermittent Fasting,  18:6 == 7/1 


Sun, 10 April (failure)

  • 8.30am_overnight oat with milk then added chia seeds/French lentils + fruit smoothie + milk/coffee
  • by 2pm_grill steak + veggies (onion/garlic/carrot/bitter melon/looafh) + fruit smoothie + apple cider vinegar water =========> rinse mouth with tap water 
  • by 5pm_a hudge dragonfruit/walnuts&almonts/4 toasts with butter&vegemite/sunflower seeds

Mon, 11 April (too much flour/spinach)

  • 9am_milk made of 8almont/2walnuts + coffee/milk 
  • by2pm_flour/baby spinach + tofu/greens   ---->   by2.30_red grapes + apple cider water
  • by 5pm_a plum/fruit smoothie

Tue, 12 April 

  • 8.30am_kidney beans/grapes/coffee&milk    > 500cal
  • by2.30pm_apple cider water + fish/carrot/3 small potatoes/looafh/mushrooms
  • by5.30_French bread/grapes/sesame seeds

Wed, 13 April 

  • 10.30am_coffee/milk + 2 plums
  • by7pm_4 buns stuffed with tofu&veggies + 2 plums + fruit smoothie + sesame seeds 

    Grate 1 pitting edema legs for a couple of days disappeared in this morning, probably caused by having too much vegemite(rich in sodium) then drinking excessive amount of water. 

Thur, 14 April 

  • 7.50am_2stuffed buns/1egg/walnuts + coffee/milk
  • by2.30pm_chicken breast/beans&grains/veggies 

Fri, 15 April 

  • 9am_1dragon fruit + 1egg + coffee&milk
  • by 2pm_chicken/veggies/2potatoes + 2plums 

Sat, 16 April 

  • 9.30_1dragon fruit + 3chicken necks + coffee&milk
  • by 3pm_roughly 130g chicken breast (35g protein)/black fungus/veggies/1potato + 3 passionfruits
  • by 10pm_snacking roasted chickpeas for weekend indulging 


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