看圖:鳥兒棲息在池塘中央,離的有些遠, 隻能拍到這麽清楚, 相機不夠好:)這個島上現在聚集的大多是一種叫skimmer的鳥, 黑色和白色兩種,紅紅的尖嘴捕魚時像把剪刀從水麵劃過:
Osprey 魚鷹,在高高的木架上孵養baby. 也離得很遠,近處被繩索攔住進不去。
Silk Oak,native to Australia: 絲絨橡樹
好像是Purple Verbena Bonariensis Lollipop
California Tree poppy (加州樹罌粟)花瓣像紙皺的白裙
Purple Sage Salvia 紫洋蘇草花
Hot lips salvia (Mint family): 烈焰紅唇
Cotton wood (飄白絮的棉樹)
周日晚上把這些照片貼在微信的moments裏,附上跟這篇文章標題一樣的一句話。第二天一位朋友留言問,“什麽新招術?” 原來沉浸在AI世界裏的她,誤以為我這些照片是用AI模擬出來的。
On an overcast day at the end of May, Em chose to go to a nearby park, a constructed 300- acre wetland nestled in the busy city. Disguised as a nature preserve, the park in reality is a water filter facility, where ponds and plants are used to filter the dirty water before circulating back for irrigation or to the sea. Then ponds become home to birds, migrating or local birds, ranging from big pelicans, Canadian geese to little hummingbirds. Ospreys breed their babies on the high man-built platform. In a bustling city that is surrounded by more and more concrete buildings, this marsh land is a getaway to Em.
The blackberries sprawled at the entrance that Em came for were unfortunately not ready for picking, weeks away from ripening. And the trail to the park on the side was close. That left Em with little choice but to stroll around the only open area in the front, where one towering Silk Oak and two or three Cotton trees form an overarching canopies. Native to Australia, the Silk Oak lights up to the sky with its golden orange blooms. The Cotton trees hanging white cotton balls are exotic too. Walking out of the shade, Em was greeted by vibrantly blooming California Tree Poppies. The abundant rains this year brought forth their fullest splendor, higher bushes and more flowers with bigger petals. A close look at its white petals reminds Em of crinkled crepe paper. Interstingly, its golden yellow stamens earn itself a vivid nickname “Fried egg" plant.
Getting out of the park, Em and her husband decided to walk a bit farther to the end of an overpass that they never reached before. Sauntering along the gravelly bank overlooking a creek was joyful. It’s around three o’clock in the afternoon. The sky was gloomy, and the temperature was in 60s. To the right of the trail leading down to the creek are long steep slopes piled with small gravels, scattered occasionally with some trashes drifted down from the upper stream. The creek was peaceful at the time, no surging water and not many birds on, only a few American coots floating on the surface. Ducks were resting on the marsh by the side, two white herons standing apart on each end.
Out of this quietness came along a brown and whitish bird, ascending a rocky slope, who showed no sign of retreat, even when a lady and a dog from the opposite direction joined the narrow trail.
The bird was then just a stone’s throw away. He put down the camera and in a low voice told Em that there were eggs underneath. Em grabbed the camera and zoomed in by herself. Peering hard through the lens, she saw four gray eggs with black little dots, lying in the depression of rocks between the two feets of the standing bird. She would have missed them had it been the camera and his guidance.
“How could a petite bird produce such four big eggs?” Em thought out loud.
“It must be a pain in the ass,” he joked in English.
“And why she laid the eggs here among the mere rocks, without any protection?” wondered Em.
Further research at home eased Em’s worry, in the knowledge that the bird, named as Killdeer, prefers the habitat where rocks mix well with its camouflaged eggs, and that as soon as the baby birds are hatched, they could swim in the creek next to them.
Isn’t nature full of wonders!
It is “pelicans“ instead of “paragons“, and it is American coots. Thank you for pointing them out, and thank you for liking the pictures and the post. I like them too:) Happy June!
Why the peregrine is called the Paragon falcon?
Did you mean American coots?
Great post. Thanks for sharing.