天氣從一兩個星期前的破紀錄90多度回歸正常。出門時,天還陰著,風吹過,涼嗖嗖的。我們去看了附近一個小小的日式園林,又拐進IKEA專程去買了五瓶Lingonberry醬,這醬甜中帶點酸,新鮮,蘸饅頭特別好吃。隨後某人又提議說,這裏離海不遠要不要去走走? Wherever you'd like to take me, 我附和道。
暖冬cool夏2022-04-28 18:36:24回複悄悄話
回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : You are welcome, my friend. If it were not you, I wouldn't know that 冰菜 is simply called ice plant:)) Weekend is coming. Enjoy it!
魏薇2022-04-28 13:35:47回複悄悄話
"Wherever you'd like to take me"看到了:你先生有趣,你也有情趣,你倆般配幸福:)
暖冬cool夏2022-04-27 22:11:11回複悄悄話
回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : You are right, my friend. I must have mistakenly confused myself when I searched online. If we google "ice plant", on the right hand side of the page, it will appear "stone plant", with the description under the picture==" The Aizoaceae, or fig-marigold family, is a large family of dicotyledonous flowering plants containing 135 genera and about 1800 species. They are commonly known as ice plants or carpet weeds."
According to this, ice plant == stone plant. Confusing:))
However if we google "stone plant" alone, the pictures popped up are mostly stone-like rockery plants, different from "ice plant" images.
So it may be safe to call it an ice plant, one of hundred genera.
But I do know what 冰菜 looks like:)) They flower too and seed later. An image from an online supermarket is borrowed below for edible ice plant (冰菜):
A group of us have been ordering from a farm some fresh vegetables in bulk, which are delivered to our city every Sunday. We tried this kind of ice plant once. This kind of ice plant itself has no taste. It is just very crispy, and has to be dipped with a mixed sauce of garlic, vinegar, sauce soy and sugar for flavor.
Thanks, my friend!
7grizzly2022-04-27 20:41:30回複悄悄話
回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : Google also gives "stone plants" when I searched for "ice plant." But stonecrop's images looked quite different from your picture "長在沙地上的植物."
暖冬cool夏2022-04-27 17:27:27回複悄悄話
回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Hi, my friend. Thanks for your visit and the plant name and stone name. I did not know it is called ice plant until you said here. Actually the one in the picture is called "stone plant" as I googled online. See below:
"the 'Ice Plant' name applies mostly to the larger, herbaceous perennial types and 'Stonecrop' used more for the ground-hugging, rockery types".
Interestingly enough, a few years ago when we hiked on the trail by the sea, we spotted a plant very similar to what I ate (冰菜) at the banquet in China (So I actually know what it looks like:). I tasted it boldly, and it IS the ice plant (冰菜, it is sold at $5-6 per pound here from a Chinese farm), except that it is very salty as it absorbs all the salt from the sand.
Last Saturday, we attempted to find back the ice plant and pick some seeds if possible, but the trail was closed temporarily.
So I learn something from you again, my friends!
7grizzly2022-04-27 14:26:21回複悄悄話
and flagstone in the last picture.
7grizzly2022-04-27 14:25:16回複悄悄話
Looking at the pictures (they are great as always, BTW), jetty and ice plant came to mind, both learnt in California.
心中之城2022-04-26 19:44:56回複悄悄話
“Wherever you'd like to take me” 艾瑪!暖冬的附和竟然如此令人砰然心動,別說某人,我聽了也小鹿在亂撞的感覺。。。。嗬嗬!在海邊牽著手,聽大歡的帶著憂傷的情歌,暖冬這是要尋找詩和遠方的節奏啊!心情美美噠,難怪暖冬即便沒有好相機在身,用手機還是能拍下如此的海景。。原來是愛在這裏。。。哈哈!
這句海風侵蝕記憶是我的原創,很高興能讓人想起90代的歌詞:) 覺曉節日快樂!
According to this, ice plant == stone plant. Confusing:))
However if we google "stone plant" alone, the pictures popped up are mostly stone-like rockery plants, different from "ice plant" images.
So it may be safe to call it an ice plant, one of hundred genera.
But I do know what 冰菜 looks like:)) They flower too and seed later. An image from an online supermarket is borrowed below for edible ice plant (冰菜):
A group of us have been ordering from a farm some fresh vegetables in bulk, which are delivered to our city every Sunday. We tried this kind of ice plant once. This kind of ice plant itself has no taste. It is just very crispy, and has to be dipped with a mixed sauce of garlic, vinegar, sauce soy and sugar for flavor.
Thanks, my friend!
"the 'Ice Plant' name applies mostly to the larger, herbaceous perennial types and 'Stonecrop' used more for the ground-hugging, rockery types".
Interestingly enough, a few years ago when we hiked on the trail by the sea, we spotted a plant very similar to what I ate (冰菜) at the banquet in China (So I actually know what it looks like:). I tasted it boldly, and it IS the ice plant (冰菜, it is sold at $5-6 per pound here from a Chinese farm), except that it is very salty as it absorbs all the salt from the sand.
Last Saturday, we attempted to find back the ice plant and pick some seeds if possible, but the trail was closed temporarily.
So I learn something from you again, my friends!
祝Oncemm那裏早日春暖花開! (寫不了詩了:))
其實人真的是需要get away from home的,如果待在家裏,一天就有做不完了事,周六去海邊才有了難得的悠閑,周日在家洗洗刷刷又忙了一天的。周日邊上有朋友給了一小袋的桑椹,太好吃了,很新鮮,就想起小小家後院的豐收:) 謝謝小小,讓我們都慢下來享受生活吧!
這麽美的海景,南邊的海灘一個接一個,有機會你要來走走的,估計你連做的時間都沒有,一路看不夠的:)) 謝謝主流,新周快樂!