The great famine in 1942 witnessed many catastrophic deaths in Henan, precipitating an exodus of those who struggled to survive. With meagre belongings on one side of a pole over the shoulder, and little kids in a basket on the other, people fled on foot to the destination almost five hundred miles away. In hunger, against frosty winter wind, they trudged on harrowingly. Among them was a Bai family, who stealthily left the village without taking the daughter along. The mom, who only valued boys, legitimized her act as having one less mouth to feed.
The girl was ten years old. Urged by her kind grandma, she ran desperately to catch up with the parents. She did, but that was not the end of her misery. The whole family, along with other immigrants, first holed up in caves in Xian, living from hand to mouth. When the hand was empty, they even had to beg on the street. By the time the girl was sixteen, she was sold at fifty dollars (大洋) to be wedded to a man twenty years older. But life went on, after all. She became a mom of five children, one died and one adopted. Years of hardship bonded them together, tiding them through thick and thin. In the ensuing decades, those who were uprooted from Henan finally took root in Xian. They prospered in the land they called it home.
The TV Series Take Root in Chang’an is a heart-wrenching drama revisiting the history of mid-twentieth century in China, chronicled all the important occurrences before and after New China – wars in Old China, land reform and societal class reclassification and asset redistributions in 1950s, Cultural Revolution in 1960s, stagnant economy and death of Mao in 1970s, economic revival and reform in 1980s, and the advent of a new century. Woven into the gripping stories were people’s optimism in the face of adversity and the inner strength that brought them out of the poverty. A family as ordinary as Bai’s is an epitome of our tribe’s resilience. As a viewer, who is familiar with the history and lived through part of it, I echoed in their love, sadness and joys. Tears swelled, so did the memories of the past as I watched one episode after another, till the end.
同祝你和AE聖誕快樂,平安健康! 讓我們一起迎接2022年的到來!
我現在上班看書都戴兩副眼鏡,一副近視一副老花,那些的所謂biofocal/progressive都不好用:) 我想《白鹿原》電視一定比小說精彩。《葉落長安》可以以1.25或1.5倍速度看。
人對土地的眷愛就像樹,因為最終我們又是from dust to dust.享受你的田園生活吧,昨天下了一場雨,據說下星期有更多的雨會下呢。地主周末快樂!
你出國早, 又太年輕, 這些題材不能有太多共鳴很能理解, 我從小就斷斷續續從父母,和鄉下的阿姨那裏聽到看到一些, 加上本身比較喜歡鄉土氣息的作品.你要是有時間有興趣的, 推薦你《白鹿原》和《山海情》, 小說《白鹿原》獲得1997年茅盾文學獎 (推薦看電視劇),看這樣的作品我想對你以後從事小說創作會有一些啟發.F4 和流星花園都是二十年前最流行, 你那時青春年少自然會喜歡.我那時女兒都好幾歲:)) Oncemm工作忙, 不用惦記我.還是要謝謝你的惦記. 祝你們分家順利, 周末愉快! (最近沒有好劇可追:))
謝謝小小的誇讚和不吝誇讚,我是實話實說,真是土,從裏到外都不講究的人。凡是陽春白雪的東西都不太有耐心享受,比如小提琴鋼琴之類的:)) 謝謝小小臨帖,下午有點事回複晚了。祝好!
Right, without going through misery, we won't have been thankful. We are a lucky generation. But the old grandma's words "人隻有享不了的福, 沒有吃不了的苦" still rings true today.
Your comments in your own blog touched me deeply. I was about to reply again but then refrained myself from doing that, not to disturb you:))
"One needs a reader to be a writer."--When I first discovered your blog, a lot of posts were left 0/0, i.e., no reader no comment. But you just kept writing. I was in awe, not just because of your writing, but because of your passion. I actually noticed that you have some consistent readers now. If you pay attention to your overall hits, it increases daily by dozens. Though dozens may not mean much, but they are serious readers. You prove to me that 酒香不怕巷子深! Btw, you are the 千裏馬, and I am the 伯樂:)))
Also I noticed that you once lived in your old home for some time, after your dad passed away. I thought you might be in mourning. Whatsoever, life is short. Be happy and healthy! Thanks for your input and comments!
which is much shorter, of course, but seems to overlap in timeline. I think I
will love watching 白鹿原. To me, stories like these serve as a reminder that
I should be thankful.
As for human nature, I love these lines:
- But I believe that as a species human beings define their reality through
misery and suffering. -- Agent Smith, The Matrix
- Most people don't have to face the fact, but at the right time and right
place, they are capable of anything. -- Mr. Cross, Chinatown
both from the villians.