A look for a long pole light bulb changing kit brought me to Sunday Costco, a crowded place that I normally avoid shopping during the weekend. Entering the festively decorated mall, I parked my car a bit far in the packed parking lot. The sun was shining, people hustling by. Soon I was inside the warm-heated store, greeted by the lady at the entrance, as well as the faint fragrance from the fresh Christmas wreaths in the corner. After being told that Costco does not carry the long pole I was looking for, I strolled around aimlessly, taking a box of eggs into the big empty cart. I have availed myself of a close-by Costco in the vicinity of my workplace during the weekday, and nothing seems to be on my current shopping list. With reluctance, I looked at others' carts fully stacked with boxes after boxes of merchandise around me, increasingly unsure if I would wait in line to just check out a box of eggs. Just then, at the end of the aisle, a young lady from a beauty product stand smilingly beckoned at me, with a sample in her hand. I approached her, telling her that I have been using the skin care products purchased years ago. But a further conversation revealed that they also carry an organic anti-aging skin revitalization product for my age. She patiently explained to me how it works, and how it differs from Lancome or other high-end products. Good as it sounds, it by far exceeds my budget. Seeing through my hesitation, she added that I could return the product within three months if they are not effective.
So in my empty cart, a box of around $250 skin care product was sitting next to a box of $6 eggs, making the long line waiting for checkout a bit worthwhile. This is the most luxurious skin care product I have ever bought for myself. Is this the beginning of my attempt to rejuvenate the skin I used to be so proud of, or is it just a wakening consciousness of treating myself better?
The box is still sitting in my dresser, untouched, waiting for the owner to decide if it shall be returned or opened for use.
(InfiniteAloe Gold)沒用過,那麽貴,應該有一定效果的:)) 用!:))
我跟聞香一樣,也是用Estee lauder 的Advanced Night Repair 用了十多年,回中國送禮總要帶上八、九瓶(中瓶$100 左右)隻是日漸漲價有點送不起了。
我現在用的是十塊錢一大盒的那種,用了兩年也沒用完,跟你們一比我算是低端了 :)
值嗎 :))