
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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Rainy, sunny and windy

(2018-10-16 19:25:51) 下一個
The long-awaited rain finally showered upon the parched land last Friday night and Saturday, in the third week of autumn. My Saturday morning was leisurely spent on bed, tucking myself in a warm quilt and reading under a light. I remember that the sky was leaden outside.  It was quiet in the neighborhood, except for the rhythmical dripping sounds from the roof and the ground. The peace was occasionally broken by the splashing noises from the street when a car collided with the then watery road surface. How dearly  they were after more than nine months of drought! I pricked up my ears to the melody, longing for the next one to come. It filled my heart with joys,  a joy that only rainy weather can bring.
But the rain only lasted a day and a night, when the sky cleared up on Sunday and the sun came out again.  Then in the wee hour of Monday morning around 2: 40 am, I was woken up by the howling wind from the half-opened windows. It was Santa Ana wind, notoriously known for its being strong, dry and warm or cold, visiting us every year. At dawn around 7 am, I got up and went downstairs to the backyard, looking worryingly at the tall avocado tree swaying hard from side to side. It will need to be cut one day, I told myself, as the extensive branches and leaves are now too close to the neighbor’s window.
On my way to work around 8:30, the wind seemed to be at its peak. It was like a powered mad man, gusting through the streets and alleys , whipping the trees, swirling the leaves and small branches off to the ground and into the air.  When small particles, such as the flying pine needles were dropped with force from the air to the car, it felt like hails. Trees by the streets were bending hard in the wind, with some snapped down in half, and some even uprooted from the soil. Living here for so many years, I am so used to the scenes, the damages or the warnings of wild fires it could bring forth, but I was saddened yesterday (10/15/2018) at the news of a 34-old woman living in a nearby city being killed by a big tree crashed over her car. What a catastrophe!
The wind finally died down this afternoon (Tuesday 10/16/2018),  littering in its wake the broken branches and piles of leaves, green or yellow alike, over the messy roadsides and lawns. When nature has its power beyond control, tragedies arise, and we as human beings sometimes feel so powerless, like ants in front of an untamed monster.
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閱讀 ()評論 (28)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '風清fq' 的評論 : 風清好!風清過獎了,你也一定謙虛了,你的中文文筆這麽好,幽默傳神,又是醫生,經過這麽多年的各式訓練,英文絕不會差的,隻會比我好,而我這就是練筆罷了。謝謝風清的肯定和鼓勵,多謝了,並祝好!
風清fq 回複 悄悄話 暖冬的英語博文寫得越來越出色、細膩而傳神。我真是望塵莫及,慚愧啊慚愧。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 : It is a tragedy, and this is the first time that a toppled tree killed a person. What a bad luck the woman had. Thank you, yijiang, for your visit. Have a wonderful new week!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : So nice to know that you actually once lived in SD. Southern CA in terms of living environment is better than Northern CA in my eyes, though warmer and drier. Yes, the Santa Ana wind is horrible, reportedly at 50-60 mph this time, and in summer, it could easily trigger a wild fire. Thank you, my friend, for dropping by. Have a great new week!
每天一講 回複 悄悄話 but I was saddened yesterday (10/15/2018) at the news of a 34-old woman living in a nearby city being killed by a big tree crashed over her car.

it was such sad news. I feel sorry for that woman and her family.
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 When I lived in San Diego 10 years ago, the locals blamed all wildfires on the Santa Ana winds. You are fighting the demon at the front line :-)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '寒一凡' 的評論 : 謝謝一凡特此前來誇讚,過獎了。祝周日好!
寒一凡 回複 悄悄話 暴雨、狂風、麗人行、悟。暖冬的文寫的真好,生動、傳神!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '彩煙遊士' 的評論 : 遊士好!我們這兒正好相反的,rain is so welcome, any time! Thank you for dropping by. Have a great weekend!
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 Rain, rain, go away,
Don't come any day!!:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : Thanks, Lion King:)) IYou are right that weather should not be a major determinant of our life quality. Let's all endeavor to live happily. Have a good rest of week!
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 Rainy, sunny and windy, most important is "living happily", I think you do.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '燕麥禾兒' 的評論 : 燕兒又來了,謝謝謝謝。你們那兒這麽多雨水啊,那一定盼著天晴的,而我們這兒相反,春雨貴如油,我們這兒任何季節的雨水都很珍貴。燕兒周四好!
燕麥禾兒 回複 悄悄話 很有畫麵意境很感性的文字。我這裏兩周來幾乎天天下雨,今天終於有晴天了。問候暖兒!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒好!菲兒和小溪姐姐一樣都過獎了,就是一則日記的,你的貼那才叫精致的。謝謝菲兒鼓勵,重陽節快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'xiaxi' 的評論 : 遐西好!你過獎了,就是一則日記的。剛剛買菜回來,沒有買到螃蟹,買了條帶魚過重陽。謝謝遐西今天的帖子,否則我又想不到的。重陽節快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 鬆鬆好!鬆鬆說得對啊,好不容易下場雨,又被這風吹幹了,我們真是盼下雨的。謝謝鬆鬆,祝重陽節快樂!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小溪姐姐' 的評論 : +1我也喜歡看暖冬的文,中文享受,英文學習!:)
xiaxi 回複 悄悄話 暖冬神筆,降雨的歡樂和對狂風的憂慮,寫得多麽生動!
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 好容易下了盼望已久的雨,然後就來了讓人厭惡的風。在自然災害麵前,人類確實顯得渺小。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小溪姐姐' 的評論 : 小溪姐姐過獎了,被你這麽一說,我真以為自己寫得有多好了:))這則隻是日記,前麵的有些也是記錄點生活點滴,真沒有感動天地的情和事,現在的生活就是這麽平淡。小溪姐姐有顆柔軟善良的心,才讀出平淡中的真情。多謝小溪姐姐。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yy56' 的評論 : 聞香好!我寫到這裏的時候想起的是“螞蟻撼樹”,人在大自然麵前太渺小了。謝謝聞香的喜歡!是日記,記點風啊雨的,供自己回顧:)
小溪姐姐 回複 悄悄話 讀暖冬的文章,也是要把心先安靜了,再細細品味的。字裏行間慢慢就讀出這位江南女子的善良細膩和她的款款深情。你讀著她為了一場久盼透雨的欣喜,為成雙成對在水麵掠過的藍蜻蜓的驚歎,為山路上一朵盛開小野花的讚賞。。。對瞬間逝去生命的悲傷。你從她的記載裏--她每天日子裏的人,事,物裏體驗到她對平凡人生的感悟和感恩,不經意間,你就被實實在在地感動了。這大概也是我為什麽喜歡暖冬和她的文章吧。
yy56 回複 悄悄話 好優美的小文。真是如你所說, When nature has its power beyond control, tragedies arise, and we as human beings sometimes feel so powerless, like ants in front of an untamed monster.

暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : 我的日記小文被mm一點評頓時“蓬蓽生輝”,你說的比我寫的好,我這就把題目從The rain, the wind and the season 改了,改成“Rainy,sunny and windy":))多謝mm鼓勵誇讚!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm,你的英文小作一向細膩感人,從rainy day to sunny day to windy day, 情感和心思宛如幾首曲目的連放,恬靜欣喜憂愁,每一個過渡自然又帶著些許無可奈何。是啊,我們終究隻是自然的過客。。。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬請坐沙發,給你倒杯新茶!謝謝子喬的閱讀和誇讚,感覺筆頭有點生了,看來還是要練。難得下一場,結果被兩天的大風早吹得沒影了,今年真是尤其幹旱的。希望在冬季!子喬周中好!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 第一段寫的真美,我眼前浮現出一個靠窗而坐的讀書女子。