想起昨天下班後,坐在院中讀小說,又見一隻蜂鳥媽媽來考察地形。二三月遇難的小鳥,留下的鳥巢已經在我剪百香果枝條時清理走了,總不想悲劇一年年重演。不料,時隔兩月不到,又有鳥媽媽鍾情於我家的小院。我坐在靠門的角落,隻見她虎視眈眈地飛過來盯著我看了足足幾秒,那目光咄咄逼人。我一臉無辜地看著她,看著她尖尖的長嘴恨不能啄到我額頭,那一刻,我就差舉手投降告訴她,我是好人:))。這鳥媽媽白天一定來過院子,傍晚看見我這個不速之客,她一定得先判斷我是不是個危險物品。想來我慈眉善目的,一定通過了她的審查。她最後飛走了,落在附近的牛油果樹一枝晃動的枝葉上,隨風晃來晃去。隨後,又在附近纏滿百香果藤條葉子的花架旁,上下左右仔細檢查茂密的各處角落,最後嗖地一聲直線飛走。不到二十分鍾又飛了回來,停在同一片樹葉邊的枝叉上再次體驗, 鳥瞰四周。
The morning of the first day of May is atypically cold, windy and gloomy as I walked out towards my car. Another new day begins, and so does a new month.
The days are getting longer. As my vision gets worse, being both near-sighted and far-sighted, night reading is a pain. Therefore, the hour before the sunset and the dinner cooking is my prime time for reading, when I can enjoy the broad daylight in the backyard, reading the small prints without any hindrance, racing against the sunset.
So was the yesterday afternoon. The backyard is always quiet during the time slot. I put on my jacket and wrapped myself in a blanket. The wind was still chilly in the last day of April. As I concentrated on my book, I heard the wings fluttering in the air. Without raising my head, I know it is from a hummingbird. However, the sound came closer and closer towards my direction. I lifted up my head, and there flew a hummingbird right in front of me, its neck bright and colorful, its feathers fluttering nonstoppingly like powered- electric fan, its eyes staring, and what’s more threatening, its long sharp beak pointing at my forehead. For a second, I felt that my existence must have angered her, and she could have picked me with its beak if endangered. I did not dare to move a bit, letting her eyes look into mine inquiringly. It must be my radiating kindness that disarmingly comforted her:). She turned back and landed at the tip fork of one avocado tree leave, swaying in the wind. She rested for a few minutes before heading down to the flower stand, where vines of passion fruit hang heavily and crowdedly over. She examined this side and the other, high and low, attentively. Though I don’t know what she was scrutinizing, I know she must be selecting a place to breed her baby. The bird flew away but came back the second time after a while, anchoring (? Positioning?) on the exact same spot before shooting herself out of sight again.
In the last day of April, my encounter with the hummingbird stirred inside me a hope of new life, not knowing what is awaiting me -- sadness or merriment?
謝謝暖冬告知,放心了:)) 暖冬新周快樂!