
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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The last day of September

(2017-09-30 22:59:54) 下一個
September comes to a close today, and I ended it with a 1.5 hour hiking in the morning, a sound nap in the early afternoon and some readings afterwards. After supper, I started my mooncake preparation, much thanks to the recipes and enthusiasm on WenXueCity.
The morning hike takes on a different route , as I joined a new team nearby. They started at 7:30, and I was actually late, as they changed the parking place and starting point. Luckily, I met an acquaintance from the team, who parked at the same place and led me the way. We hiked briskly trying to catch the team. Fast paced and steep sloped, the first 30 minutes hike turned out to be strenuous. I would not be able to do that if I had not had the 3 years buildup. 
On the way, I met an old friend of mine, and we hiked and talked briefly, before she turned back and parted.
When we reached the summit, it was still misty.  The panoramic view of the city was thus dented by heavy marine layers from the seaside,  shrouding the hill tops but creating a heavenly sentiment as the clouds drifted quickly in front of our eyes.  Soon the sun came out, and along came my sweat.
Being new to a team of six other  moms,  I was mostly a listener, attending to their conversation with occasional comments. The topic among us is invariably, and without any exception, about our kids, who are now basically at college or at work. Given the same background and similar ages, we see eye to eye on a lot of issues, unanimously. They told a story of a friend's kid,  an MIT graduate, who was hired by Apple and then got an offer from Snap before its IPO. The kid chose to stay with Apple for a bit more experience, and thus missed the opportunity of being a young millionaire. We talked about how as a generation, we are filial and meanwhile great parents ourselves. The love must be in our blood. 
As we joyfully talked on, the 5 miles hike seemed a wink,  setting a tone for a happy day, the last day of September.
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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'GraceX' 的評論 : 歡迎新朋友Grace!謝謝你的誇讚,謝謝你的留言。我也是在不斷的努力中。
GraceX 回複 悄悄話 寫得真好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : Thanks again for your heartening words. I never thought that I would open my blog a year and a half ago, neither did I ever imagine that my interest in English after so many years would be rekindled. Many thanks to you, Oncemm, 7grizzly, and a lot of other friends I met online. You are my inspirations, and sources of power. Let's all keep it up!
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : you are being to humble and modest. you are a talented writer in both Chinese and English. your writing always touch reader's soft spots.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Hello, my friend. Thanks for your compliment. Your liking means a lot. I guess heightened readings ultimately elevate writing to a certain extent, but it could easily regress. A couple in our previous hiking team are relocated to Northern CA, and told me that they joined a hiking team of more than 100 members there. Looks like Northern CA organizes hiking and running team better :)) I actually told myself that I can learn dance (such as 大媽舞,LOL:) if it is hard to find a good hiking team. Any exercise, as far as it is good for our mind and body,should be taken into our consideration. Have a nice new week, my friend!
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 Love your writing and feel like I was there hiking with the group.
At a local runners' meetup, we used to gather at 6:15 am for the weekend long run.
Your story reminded me of those fun days. As my right foot has gotten better, I will rejoin sometime this year.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : Thank you for your compliment, 獅子! People say that writing is more about talent than grit. If I don't have the talent as you and Oncemm have, at least I shall be as diligent as you are. Let's see if I can keep it up. Have a great new week!
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 wonderful writing presented a wonderful weekend to us. Thank you 暖冬!學習了。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm早!我這是上年紀了不是:)),覺睡得越來越少,醒得越來越早。所以說,羨慕你啊,年輕多好, 覺都可以睡到飽。珍惜吧!謝謝mm的喜歡和鼓勵,每次剛開始時都覺得沒什麽好寫,也覺得寫不好,寫著寫著才順起來了。希望自己每星期能堅持寫一點點。東部的秋天應該漂亮的吧,我們這兒才叫一個枯黃蕭瑟呢。mm周日愉快!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm的英文博文越寫越精彩,這篇尤其好,山頂上風景的描寫和這張圖絕配,真的有heavenly sentiment的感覺。你周末這麽早起啊,讓我羞愧難當,我一到周末,就賴床,以後要向暖mm學習了。我們這兒一下子涼了,真心不忍看秋風瑟瑟落葉繽紛。還是喜歡夏天。