
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

人老了,水冷了 (When the Water Ran Cold)

(2017-06-29 10:19:46) 下一個
“當水變涼時”, 2017年三月刊的這篇文章讀後讓我感慨。這是一篇孫子回憶與祖父相處的日子和對話的散文。文中說得好,人生就如洗澡,年輕時洗澡水是熱的,你也許會認為水會一直這樣熱下去,直到你步入中年,水變得溫吞吞的,不冷不熱,你拚命地扭擰龍頭,有一天你們明白水溫再也不可能回到從前......

I stepped out of the backyard door, blanketed myself and sat in a chair with Reader’s Digest in my hand. It has been one of my favorite magazines since college. The only difference is that I am reading a large-print version borrowed from the library.

The morning breeze was crispy and cool as I leafed through pages of jokes and laughs in March 2017 issue.  Then I stopped at an article titled “When the water Ran Cold” and read carefully from the beginning to the end. It’s a short story about a grandson asking his 91 years old grandpa what it feels like to grow old.  Below are some excerpts:


“Have you ever been in a hot shower when the water ran cold?’ The grandpa asked.

“That’s what aging feel like,” he says. “In the beginning of your life, it’s like you’re taking a hot shower. At first the water is too warm, but you get used to the heat and begin enjoying it. When you’re young, you think it’s going to be this way forever. Life goes on like this for a while.”

Grandpa gives me a mischievous grin and leans toward me. “And if you are lucky,” he whispers, just out of Grandma’s earshot, “a few good-looking women will join you in the shower until you decide to settle down.”

We both laugh. He leans back in his chair, looks out the window, and continues on.

“But you begin to feel it somewhere between your 40s and 50s. The water temperature drops just the slightest bit. It’s almost imperceptible, but you know it happened, and you know what it means. You try to pretend like you didn’t feel it, but you still turn the faucet up to stay warm. But the water keeps going lukewarm. One day you realize the faucet can’t go any farther, and from here on out the temperature begins to drop—you gradually feel the warmth leaving your body.


“It’s a rather helpless feeling, truth told.’ He continues. “The water is still pleasant, but you know it’ll soon become cold and there’s nothing you can do. I knew a few people who decide to leave the shower on their own terms. They knew it was never going to get warmer, so why prolong the inevitable? I was able to stay in because I contented myself recalling the showers of my youth. I lived a good life but still wish I hadn’t taken my younger years for granted. It’s too late now, and no matter how hard I try, I'll never get the hot water on again.”


As a middle-aged woman, I do feel like living in a lukewarm water, and am reminiscent of the young and old days. But isn't the time like the water and flows away in one direction? Can we hold on tight to the youth and not let it go?  Can we clench our fingers tight enough not to let the water slip through the slits of our fingers?  Aging is inevitable, and if we can prolong in any way, it is to keep a young heart, live positively and forwardly.  One day when we are really old, we will be content that we “dream our dream of our youth, remembering the warmth of days gone by, the days before the water ran cold.”

Water will eventually run cold. But let's try to let it run still and deep.

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閱讀 ()評論 (17)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Like you, my friend, I am actually in a better and healthier position than what I was many years ago. When I had my birthday last year end, I actually told myself that I should start my life anew. But aging is still inevitable in some way, especially, for a woman:)) Since there is something in this world that is beyond our control, we'd better live our days positively, and to its fullest. Thank you, my friend. Have a nice weekend!
BTW, I still remember the word "planted" you used to describe how your palm can reach to the ground:))
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '時隱時現' 的評論 : 時隱mm, 差點漏了你這個開導智慧真誠的話語。道理是明白的,可有時這種消極的情緒還是會占上鋒。謝謝mm的及時提醒,我需要陽光開朗的朋友時刻提醒我。讓我們互相提醒,鼓勵,把人生所剩的日子過精彩了。祝好!
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 Maybe I'm not really old yet. But so far after 40, I have felt better each day. E.g., I could lift 35 lbs 2 years ago but 70 lbs now, I could bend and only touch my knees at the time but I can now reach the ground with palms, etc., etc.

For me, life before 40 was a dream. I really have started living after that.
時隱時現 回複 悄悄話 其實我也一直在感歎時光的流逝,提醒自己要珍惜身邊的親人和朋友, 珍惜眼前的一切。唯恐好時光一去不複返。
看到了很多充滿活力和陽光的朋友們的生活態度,從中受到了很大啟發。逐步學會凡事要往好處想,要翻過來倒過個兒的想。冷水,溫水,熱水都有益哈 :)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒好!家裏也有以前的舊雜誌,等著以後都電子化了,再拿出來摸摸是不是別有味道?祝菲兒周末愉快!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 我書房裏也有幾本很久以前帶回來的讀者文摘,在想要不要去處理掉,原來很喜歡讀的一本雜誌。:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '彩煙遊士' 的評論 :遊士好! 你一定度假去了,很高興你回來了。有你就該熱鬧不少。等著你家的後花園開放啊。是啊,我們至少是洗過熱水澡滴...周末愉快!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複“邇東”的留言:邇東,剛剛不小心把你的留言刪了(本以為點的是回複鍵),南加就有溫泉啊,那大概在Palm Spring邊上啊。謝謝邇東的信息,並祝周末好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思韻如藍' 的評論 : 思韻mm好!好久不見了。是啊,歲月催人老啊,但願我們的心不要老得那麽快,那麽容易傷感。思韻周末愉快!
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 At least you once bathed in hot water in warm winter and cold summer!

Have a great weekend!
思韻如藍 回複 悄悄話 暖冬姐,我跟你一樣,處於溫吞水狀態。我把傷感也當作中年的一種自我保護吧!我清楚地知道: 心再激昂,身也燃燒不動了。慢慢來,熱愛生命的話,咱就慢慢來...
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : 獅子來了,問聲好!謝謝你的話,你們都是智者,擁有積極的人生態度,向你們學習。你又給我增加了一個option, 泡溫泉,這輩子還沒有泡過呢。日本是不是泡溫泉的好地方?如有機會,一定試試。謝謝獅子臨博。
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 暖美眉不必傷感。人生一世,不同的年代有不同的風采。隻要心裏有熱情,一定活得精彩絕倫,活得瀟灑自在,活得熱力四射。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : oncemm好!這就是你,一個青春永葆青春永在人的心理和反饋,所以每個人讀後的感想不太。不過mm講得很對很有啟發,換龍頭,換熱水器,曬日光浴,隻要你有心,心年輕,這世界就不老,這熱水就永流淌。謝謝mm睿智的啟發!TGIF!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 火車上讀暖mm的文,怎麽有點傷感啊,我可不同意那位作者的觀點,什麽時候水越來越涼的?就算水龍頭壞了,可以換個新的;熱水器壞了,也可換個新的;房子老了都可換新房。:)))就算世界上沒熱水了,那個樓下子喬mm不是說還可以穿上沙灘裝,“日光浴”嗎?:)))所以暖mm別被那個作者誤導。要相信,人不老,水不冷,嗬嗬,這是我這個作者說的。TGIF.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬好!是啊,做幾天雞頭過過癮。我早已進入溫吞水狀態了,自我安慰一下,嗬嗬。子喬周五周末愉快!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 咦?雞頭換掉了:)在清晨的陽光裏讀書,好愜意。暖冬在盡情地享受“熱水澡”:)