
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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A Journal-3S

(2017-06-23 11:06:06) 下一個

It’s been more than a month since I last wrote in English.  Without much reading recently, I feel my brain gets rusty. If a brain is like a wheel that needs grease, then reading is the oil.  After coming back from the trip, I tried to resume reading WSJ every day. However slow and limited it is, it is ongoing.  I am forcing myself to write something in English today. If reading is the required oil, then writing is the reinforcement that keeps the oil to retain longer . :))


My husband coined the 3S many years ago when he was educating his daughter.  He hoped that the daughter could always remember to be sweet, strong and smart, in whatever the situations are.  A couple of years ago, when he taught her to drive, he came up with another 3S, i.e., safe, smooth and swift. He has been proud of his two 3S’s and would like to repeat them whenever there is any chance.

Two or three days ago, I was reading WSJ, and one paragraph caught my attention.  I don’t remember the exact wording, but it goes something like this.  If ever asked what the secret to a long-term marriage is, happy couples would probably tell you that it is communication, space and sex. I read the sentence out aloud to my husband, without paying much attention to the daughter who sat in the corner.

Out of blue, I heard a voice from that direction. “ Too bad. They could not come up with three Ss.”

She is just such a humorous girl that she is the sunshine in the family. She looks quiet and nonchalant, but you never know what she absorbs in her mind. She observed everything her grandmother said in China, and mimicked the way Grandma talked and acted after she came back to the states. The acting was so vivid, lively and entertaining that we burst out in laughter. Where does that talent come from? 

It is not in my genes, and it is definitely not from me.:))


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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '迪兒' 的評論 : 是啊,要珍惜和孩子一起的時間,你我都一樣。至於讀英文,畢竟我是這個專業出身的,總是有點喜歡,總想著如果哪一天沒工作了,會不會靠這個吃飯...LD總歸是LD,總結的能力必須的:)))
迪兒 回複 悄悄話 妹妹很有行動能力。我也想強迫自己讀些英文,目前還在明日複明日階段。老公很不錯,有理工男的總結能力,看來文采也不差。多享受和開心果女兒在一起的日子。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : oncemm好!剛剛爬完山。mm過獎了,哪有強強結合啊。幽默是像LD,但這模仿能力不知從哪兒來的。謝謝mm的美言,mm周末愉快!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 又讀到暖mm的英文佳作,這麽說女兒的幽默感肯定是從你家那位3S的原創者來的了,不過暖mm的文字生動鮮活,她的表演天賦肯定是從你那兒來的。強強聯合,才有這麽可愛的女兒。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬來了,問聲好!有女兒,家裏就有笑聲。她的這種時不時冒出來的幽默可以把人肚子笑痛了。可惜啊,再有一個多月就走了。子喬抓緊enjoy the time with your son.祝子喬周末愉快!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'erdong' 的評論 : 邇東好!女兒是很幽默的,今年暑假她徹底沒有壓力了,很放鬆,所以每天很開心,將她的幽默發揮到極致。謝謝邇東的來訪。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '洋蔥炒雞蛋' 的評論 : 洋蔥妹妹好!謝謝你的“才氣在你的基因裏”,我好開心的,雖然我知道我沒有才氣的。謝謝你的誇獎和喜歡。其實妹妹的文筆那才叫一個好,非常有風格,婉約清新,淡淡的文字裏透出力量,感染人。祝妹妹周末開心。
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 感覺你們家的家庭氣氛特別好,輕鬆和諧還常有點小幽默。
erdong 回複 悄悄話 你女兒聰明又幽默!
洋蔥炒雞蛋 回複 悄悄話 有趣的分享!栩栩如生!你能寫,她能演繹,才氣在你的基因裏。轉了3s給我姑娘。