
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
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周末雜記 (K's funeral)

(2016-07-18 10:17:30) 下一個


日子過得好快,轉眼七月中了。這個周六去參加了一個同事的葬禮,61歲,腮腺癌。當我看到他八九十歲的老母親從紐約送來花圈上的“愛子”兩字時,頓時淚奔。白發人送黑發人。葬禮上還遇見一個已經離開公司的同事,六十多歲,告訴我,她丈夫昨日回來,跟她file a divorce,驚愕之餘,不知如何安慰。又想起近日遇見的另一位朋友,47歲,鼻咽癌四期。感慨萬端。

昨晚在微信裏看到, 說今日是頭伏,雖然從不過這個節日,想起前幾日寫的茴香草一文,竟一時念起,做起了茴香餃子和韭菜餃子。外麵又是大太陽,不高興再開車出門買絞肉,就用冰箱裏的肉,剁了點肉餡,又將後院僅有的一點韭菜,茴香剪了,加了大白菜,揉了麵,做了一頓餃子。這是一頓以素為主的餃子,茴香因為已經開花了,老了點,香還是挺香,絕對不難吃。不過相比之下,韭菜餡的好像更好吃些。


It is mid-july already. Time flies like an arrow. This weekend i went to attend a co-worker's funeral, who died of cancer at the age of 61. It saddened me to tears when I saw the flowers sent from the NY mom to her "beloved son". I met another co-worker who has left the company. She told me that her husband came back yesterday to file a divorce with her. She is in her early 60s. Shocked to hear that, I stood there, lost for words. Recently, an old friend, who has been absent from the weekly Bible studies for years, showed up one night, only to tell us that he is diagnosed with nose cancer, stage 4. He is only 47 this year!

Somebody posted in the Wechat that today is the beginning of the first hot period of summer, and the tradition is to eat dumplings in the north. Curious of how fennel dumplings taste like, I made dumplings from scratch in the afternoon, to celebrate the season and to cheer myself up a bit. I made two different kinds of fillings, one with chives, and one with fennels. It is my first time to eat fennel dumplings, and they are not bad at all, although to me, chives' taste a bit better.

If a human being can live up to 100 years, that translates to only 36,500 days. With each day passing by, we literally have one day less to live on. Life is transient. Let's hold on to each day tightly till the time we have to let it go.


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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複“時隱時現”:謝謝你的再次來訪和留言。對,想不通就放下,不要自己過不去。
時隱時現 回複 悄悄話 說得太對了,我們活著的,就該珍惜每一天,哪怕日子過得極其單調乏味,哪怕世事並不順心如意。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複“思韻如藍”:我跟你不能比,不是一個級別的,真心話。謝謝你的喜歡,握手!
思韻如藍 回複 悄悄話 Life is precious and life is fragile. Let's take each day as a gift.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 :Glad you visited again and pointed it out! You are right since I used the very lean meat out of refrigerator and chopped it myself. Though I pulled some grape oil to the boiled and chopped fennels before mixing them with meat, they need more fat. Plus I made a mistake yesterday not to squeeze hard enough the water out of the cabbage, it ended up with too much veggies water in the fillings. I am more good at making dumplings with sliced carrots fillings that I used to make quite often for my daughter. Thanks for your advice. I will have to practice more.:-)
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 Fennel has to mix with ground (fat) meat to taste good, I think. That's my memory, anyway ;-)