2017 (85)
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2023 (33)
第二年的夏天,我在我們重複走了無數次的山上又一次遇見它。夏天的南加,幹旱得山荒嶺禿。而就在那片貧脊 的土地上,卻婷婷玉立著它,如須如絲的綠葉,徑直的杆上綻放著黃色的花朵。雖然它跟印象中幹枯的樣子大相徑庭,然而它那獨特的芳香還是喚醒了那留存在我記憶中的香味,讓我記起那就是茴香。
雖然我還是吃不慣茴香,然在我,那是大自然的芳香被我帶回了家中。當我獨自一人在院子時, 看著它的花瓣,聞著它沁人心脾的芳香,想起的是夏日山中的清涼和氣息。
Fennel is in full bloom again, on the hills and in the backyard. Its beautiful yellow flowers spread out upright,while its unique aroma attracts dozens of bees to buzz around, and occasionally a few butterflies to sit on the top, enjoying the nectar.
I am from southern China. Fennel is not something that we recognize or eat. Getting to know it quite coincidental. One fall Saturday morning two years ago, I joined another neighboring team for a hike when my own team was cancelled for the activity. The gentleman in the team, who is from Hebei, pointed to a withering stalk when he picked up the seeds, telling me that it is the fennel, and that he would be sowing them next spring. This is the first time I saw it.
Summer came the following year. The trail that we have repeatedly hiked week after week was now even more boring, when the prolonged drought deprived hills of almost all the living green. Except in the valley, where oak trees survive, the hill top was just barren with only some drought resistant plants wearily standing there. Against such backdrop, anything green would easily catch our eyes. One morning, on the way back, a plant with green needle-shaped leaves, bloomed on the roadside, beautifully and resiently under the sun. Vaguely, it looked familiar, and it is the unique spectacular aroma from the leaves that awakened me. It is fennel. I never knew that its flowers could be so abundant and pretty.
My teammates were thrilled to learn that, as fennels are not easily available in the supermarket, and they have been absent from their cuisine for so long. Their excitement gave away their craving for the flavor.
We ended up seeing more of them later on. When the fall finally arrived last year, we hiked to pick the seeds, and planted in our backyard this spring. To me, the fennel is not food ingredient; it is more of a sight to remind me of its place and beauty in the wilderness.