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這本書的作者Eddie Jaku生於1920年的德國,猶太裔。此書講了他及他的家人在二戰期間被迫害,抓起來送到奧斯維辛集中營,受盡磨難經曆和僥幸活下來的經曆。他父母五十二歲死在了集中營裏。這本書的主體部分講得是他那時候的經曆,非常殘酷殘忍。
“Your efforts today will affect people you will never know. It is your choice whether that effect is positive or negative. You can choose every day, every minute, to act in a way that may uplift a stranger, or else drag them down. The choice is easy. And it is yours to make.”
― Eddie Jaku, The Happiest Man on Earth 這一段真的讓人感同身受,咱們這個壇子裏很多人身體力行默默無聞地做著這一條。
“A field is empty, but if you put in the effort to grow something then you will have a garden. And that’s life. Give something, something will come back. Give nothing, nothing will come back. To grow a flower is a miracle: it means you can grow more. Remember that a flower is not just a flower, it is the start of a whole garden.”
“Kindness is the greatest wealth of all. Small acts of kindness last longer than a lifetime. This lesson, that kindness and generosity and faith in your fellow man are more important than money, is the first and greatest lesson my father ever taught me. And in this way he will always be with us, and always live forever.”
― Eddie Jaku, The Happiest Man on Earth
There are always miracles in the world, even when all seems hopeless. And when there are no miracles, you can make them happen. With a simple act of kindness, you can save another person from despair, and that might just save their life. And this is the greatest miracle of all.”
― Eddie Jaku, The Happiest Man on Earth
“There are always miracles in the world, even when it seems dark.”
― Eddie Jaku, The Happiest Man on Earth: The Beautiful Life of an Auschwitz Survivor
九十九歲的Eddie, 他這樣的狀態,在這樣的年紀,讓人佩服。他活了101歲,致敬。