
Alaska Cruise Log (5)

(2022-08-20 16:24:56) 下一個

/a Excursion       過了這多天,童心苕才搞清白,遊輪上的洋文excursion,就是放風的意思。坐遊輪,不外乎是待在船上(on board),或是上岸放風(shore excursion)。遊輪靠岸後,當地一般有些本埠特色的遊樂、探險等項目,供遊客選擇。有些項目要收費,遊輪代售的項目,也稱作excursion。       根據群老板的建議,此次10天遊輪旅行,我們隻購買了一個excursion項目,就是Glacier Point Wildness Safari (冰川遊)。整個excursion,加上在Skagway (一座濱海小鎮) 逛街,花了一老天。期間有幾個橋段,分輯於下。雖趣舍萬殊,靜躁不同,亦可資談笑。

/b Where’s my wife     Immediately after breakfast, we started in a hurry getting ashore. I was lagging behind due to a personal rest-room errand, which literally made my wife very angry with me. She wanted me in her control 24/7, with zero tolerance of me out of her kind watch.     When I caught up at last with the team, my wife was waiting for me at the very end of the line with people going outwards of the ship. It was at that moment I heard a guy behind me yelling “where is my wife?” One of the guest attendants replied: “My duty does not include your wife’s whereabouts, but what’s happening to your wife, Sir?”     "I lost my wife,” the guy continued yelling, “she left me alone, and took away my excursion ticket, without letting me know.”     "And, I can’t live alone without my wife taking care of me.” The guy added, almost crying.     "What a lucky guy!” I said to myself, and perhaps being a little jealous, I stopped following what happened to the guy later on!

/c 感冒靈       以上橋段,讓我想起我們的群老板,一位讓我刮目相看的資深妻管嚴。之所以要刮目相看,是因為這位老板一反常態。妻管嚴這事,擱別人身上,當羞於啟齒,這位老板,則引以為豪,且發自內心。       老板曾私下跟我交心,他是真心要老婆管。他說,一天不管問題多,兩天不管走下坡,三天不管沒法活。能說出這話的人,怎不讓人刮目相看呢!       昨天晚餐,大家一起喝了一杯。老板阿姨好多年沒沾酒了,昨晚居然喝到腮紅,把老板一旁看得,幸福感爆棚。一時詩情澎拜,當即口占一首:           把酒交盞           是要醉於你的腮紅           隔目相望           奈唇齒盡埋於羞萌           掩情於心           雙眼輕撫你的玉麵           情到濃時           我已是正月的燈籠 老板詩意未盡,老板阿姨已是涕淚交流。我當即建議,因此詩無題,當冠名“感冒靈”。以後每當老板阿姨感冒了,鼻子堵塞,讀此詩,即可通鼻解淤。

/d 二佰伍       我們家鄉土話,二佰伍是指比苕貨更傻的人。用數學語言描述:苕貨的二次元 = 二佰伍。       這裏說起二佰伍,有三個意思。一是我們從cruise網站上買的這個shore excursion,每人剛好花了二佰伍。等到下船後,發現當地同樣的項目,價錢隻要兩百。得,不知不覺中,大家當了一回二佰伍。       二是到了冰川跟前,大家抬頭一望,發現遠處山巒,都長得一般高。書記驚叫起來,哇!搞了半天,回到河南平頂山了。真是一群二佰伍。       三是冰川之行實在不值,我這童心苕就埋怨,二百五十美金,丟河裏去了。書記安慰說,他們還提供午餐,有龍蝦,加帝王蟹。結果午餐拿到手,一看,隻有一個火雞卷、一小盒蘋果醬,外加兩小條米泡餅幹。看來,我們遇上了一位二佰伍書記。       再說書記夫人,就是朱莉奶奶,拿到這頓午餐,連聞都不聞,幹脆利落,直接扔進了垃圾桶。隻有我這童心苕,一樣不剩,吃完了這頓three course meal。因為想著要補充能量,下午好在Skagway逛街。

/e Jim     Jim was one of the 3 boat guys who transferred us from Skagway to Glacier Point yesterday.     When we got back on Jim’s boat again after finished the glacier point wilderness safari, Jim found that I was not happy, and he asked why. “Well, a little disappointed. It was just a distant looking, they didn’t allow us stepping up on the glacier.” I said.     "It’s for your safety, ‘cause the glacier is not stable around this time of the year.” Jim explained. He also mentioned that there was an ice collapse recently.     Later, Jim told me that he got a chance the other day touring the higher elevation up on the glacier, and was so lucky that he shot some great pictures over there. “If you like it, I can airdrop you some of them.  “ That would be truly appreciated!” I responded, thankfully (see those pictures on Alaska Cruise Log 1-3). 

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