2024 (98)
因檔期衝突,“帝王穀遛彎”暫停下回分解。因今日是務工單位的員工節(Employee Appreciation Day),員工們互致問候,互相感恩。一早上班,打開單位內部電郵信箱,收到一大些Thank-You伊妹兒,心裏熱乎乎的。尤其讓人走心的是,工友卡麗娜,雖在月前調換了工作,也發來一張電子卡片,還附上一段話:I am sending you a Thank-You card for all the support and guidance you have provided me. I miss being directly in your unit,but know you are right around the corner. This does help. You are a terrific friend and an asset to our division.
看了卡麗娜的卡片和留言,hold不住有點,寫下一段話回複她:That was so nice, Carlena! I do appreciate all you have done for me and for everyone around. Especially like I said before, you have the magic wand that makes people feel good. You're the glue that holds us tight. Wherever you might be, you bring all of us together, in heart or in person, in the past or in the future. Being with you is always a blessing, and I am one of those who're blessed to have you as a co-worker, a supporter, and above all, a friend.
圖片是在Torrey Pines State Reserve遛彎時,一路所拍。也算是一個小驚喜:在靠近海邊的山坡上,滿山遍野,野花盛開,讓人心曠神怡。正是: