So, what is real Chinese? ——資深吃貨遇到了新問題。
起因是卡麗娜,昨日她群發伊妹兒,說有工友要過生日,約大家一起出去爬個梯,啜一頓。有兩個選擇:PF Chang's,或者Souplantation。前者是迎合歪果仁口味的中餐,說是中餐,實際上,烹調參數都作了調整, 隻能算是美式中餐。至於正果仁,吃中餐當然要來真的。尤其是資深吃貨,對中餐往往懷有先入之見。尚未開吃,便有個期待,就好像與盤中餐,有個預約:吃起來該是這麽個味道,這麽個口感。若是哄歪果仁的,那就另當別論了。憑以往的經驗,美式中餐,待端上來,看一眼,okay,馬虎相。再嚐一口,哎呦喂,甜不拉嘰,酸不溜秋的。也不是很反感,就是不怎麽對味。這叫“食”與願違,不爽!
再說Souplantation,顧名思義,soup + plantation,喝湯 + 吃素。主要食材都是從種植園裏進貨的各種菜蔬——店家是這樣標榜的——由顧客自選,自拌沙拉。也不是百分之百吃素,也有葷素搭配,要認真找,肉星子還是找得到的。還有各種麵點,曲奇,批薩,烤土豆,烤紅薯,冰淇淋等。不管怎麽說,這家店子是名副其實的洋餐,銳兒(real)洋。
PF Chang's is not real Chinese; Souplantation is not Chinese at all. But I can take a break for a real American lunch. Anyway, I would be with the majority...
卡麗娜明白了我的意思。可是,她扔過來一個問題:So, what is real Chinese?
Good question!
The difference between real & American-style Chinese dishes is not about the food per se, it’s about how you cook it.
If you cook your food without manipulating its natural taste too much, except for adding a bit oil and salt, then you probably end up with real Chinese. If you put so much sugar in it, or do deep-frying, then it's something else.
沒想到還挺討喜,大家都說領教了(very well said)。工友Hawaii還饒有興致地議論道(鋪墊一下先:工友們搗騰的買賣,主要是交通模型):I really like your comments on Chinese food. To make it a little more work-related:
The difference between real and policy-driven transportation models is not about the model per se, it’s about how you build it. If you build your model without manipulating its original data too much, except for adding a little bit math and computer-science, then you probably end up with real model. If you put so much political-correction in it, or do deep-intervening, then it’s something else.
卡麗娜最後總結道:See, this is why our unit works so well together, we all bring a little something extra to the table. So, our food or model will meet all our palettes。
我原想補充Regardless if it’s real or not。轉念一想,還是不要桶破了那層紙。