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昨日看到烏克蘭的弗拉基米爾勇敢的與川大嘴對戰,想起1953年夏季戰役第三階段的金城戰役,英文為:The Battle of Kumsong, also known as the Jincheng Campaign。
金城戰役,又稱金城戰役,是朝鮮戰爭最後幾場戰役之一。在旨在結束朝鮮戰爭的停火談判期間,聯合國軍和中國及朝鮮軍隊未能就戰俘遣返問題達成一致。拒絕簽署停戰協定的韓國總統李承晚釋放了 27,000 名拒絕遣返的朝鮮戰俘。此舉引起中國和朝鮮指揮部的憤怒,並有可能破壞正在進行的談判。因此,中國決定發動針對金城突出部的進攻。這是中國軍隊在戰爭中最後一次大規模進攻,並戰勝了聯合國軍。
Battle of Kumsong
The Battle of Kumsong, also known as the Jincheng Campaign (Chinese: 金城戰役; pinyin: Jīn Chng Zhn Y), was one of the last battles of the Korean War. During the ceasefire negotiations seeking to end the Korean War, the United Nations Command (UNC) and Chinese and North Korean forces were unable to agree on the issue of prisoner repatriation. South Korean President Syngman Rhee, who refused to sign the armistice, released 27,000 North Korean prisoners who refused repatriation. This action caused an outrage among the Chinese and North Korean commands and threatened to derail the ongoing negotiations. As a result, the Chinese decided to launch an offensive aimed at the Kumsong salient. This would be the last large-scale Chinese offensive of the war, scoring a victory over the UNC forces.