
日常英語 - 通過一小對話學習掌握關於英語聽力口語的若幹語言現象 - 2

(2015-07-12 12:01:33) 下一個
/t/ + you -> 讀成 *cha
/t/ + your -> 讀成 *cher
/t/ + you’re -> 讀成 *cher

HIRO:   Can’t you find an apartment?
MARK:  No, I can’t. The rent you have to pay is too high.
HIRO:   You know , I have a friend who could try to get you an apartment.
MARK:  You do?
HIRO:   Yeah ,he used to be a real estate sales person.
MARK:  Well, I don’t want your friend to spend a lot of time on it.
HIRO:   No problem. I’ll tell him that you’re new in town.
MARK:  Great, thank him in advance for me, Okay?
HIRO:   Sure, tell me what you’re looking for. Do you want a furnished or unfurnished apartment?
MARK:  I don’t know. Don’t you think a furnished apartment will be expensive?


對話語言點 (對照原讀,更容易理解) ( 星號 (*) 表示略讀):

Can’t you -> *Kant *cha
Can’t -> *kant
Can’t you find an apartment? ->
*Kan’t *cha find an apartment?
No, I can’t. -> No, I *kan’t.

Have to -> *hafta
You -> *Ya
The rent you have to pay is too high. ->
The rent *cha *hafta pay is too high.

You know -> *Ya know

To -> *da
Get -> *git
You -> *cha
I have a friend who could try to get you an apartment. ->
I have a friend who could try *da *git *ya an apartment.

You do ? -> *Ya do?

Used to be -> *useta be
He used to be a real estate sales person ->
he *useta to be a real estate sales person

… want your -> want *cher
… to -> *ta
A lot of -> a lot *a
I don’t want your friend to spend a lot of time on it. ->
I don’t want *cher friend *ta spend a lot *a time on it.

I’ll tell him -> I’ll tell *im
… that you -> … that *cher
I’ll tell him that you’re new in town. ->
I’ll tell *im that *cher new in town.

Thank him -> Thank *’im
For -> *fer
Great, thank him in advance for me, Okay? ->
Great, thank *im in advance *fer me, Okay? …

what you -> … what *cher …
looking for -> …*lookin’ for
tell me what you’re looking for. ->
tell me what *cher *lookin for. // “for” 介詞, 在句子末尾的時候,不略讀。所以在這裏讀的清晰。

… you -> *ya
… or -> *er
Do you want a furnished or unfurnished apartment? –》
Do *ya want a furnished *er unfurnished apartment?

don’t know -> *donno
I don’t know. -> I *donno.

Don’t you -> Don’t *cha
Don’t you think a furnished apartment will be expensive? ->
Don’t *cha think a furnished apartment will be expensive?

real estate sales person -> 不要讀成: real estate sales person

an apartment -> a-na-partment
I have a friend -> I have-a friend
real estate -> rea-le-state


Can’t you find an apartment?
這句中最後一個單詞用的是升調: apartment?


I can’t.

Can’t you find an apartment?
Daduh Daduhduh Daduh

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