

(2015-06-17 06:47:54) 下一個
你全然把我當作你的來世吧 我也已經把你當成了我的前世




胡愛萍早早地下班後直接去了一家賣花園材料的商店。因著春天的到來,院子裏的雜草開始滋生。她需要買Bark Dust木屑,鋪到自家院子周圍。這種事本來應該男人幹的,可是有什麽辦法呢?胡愛萍歎了口氣。本想請公司來噴,可是院子又不大,不值得勞師動眾。她找到Bark Dusk木屑後才發現是好大的一個袋子,自己搬都搬不動。正當胡愛萍轉身將要離開時,迎麵撞到Ken,她以前公司的同事。

Hi,how are you?Long time no see!Ken驚喜地和胡愛萍打著招呼。

Oh,it's you。I am here for bark dust, but it is too heavy! Are you still with the same company?

Yes, I am still there. But I am not with the same ....

Ken停頓了一下說,Let me help you! Is this one Ok?

Actually, I could have asked the store staff for help. But the problem is when I get home, I still would not be able to move it out of my car.

Ken微笑了一下說,Do you mind if I help you ? I mean I don't mind passing by your house.

胡愛萍說聲OK。她看到Ken輕輕地同時搬起兩袋跟著她走到車旁邊。You will follow me, will you? Just in case you get lost, this is my address. 胡愛萍草草地寫下她的地址遞給了Ken。


Ken看了一眼時間說,It is only 4:30 now. It is too early for me to go to dinner. Maybe I can even help you spread the bark dust. It would not be long, I bet, half an hour to one hour would do.


That would be a great help and you are very nice. 胡愛萍說著臉上露出了笑容。


Bark dust (木屑)不一會兒就被Ken均勻地鋪在院子裏。深棕色的木屑把草坪都映襯得格外翠綠。All done!Ken燦爛地微笑著。胡愛萍此時的心情明朗起來。她說,

You just did a big favor to me. By our culture, I should invite you to have dinner with me.

Really? That would be wonderful. I love Chinese food!




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閱讀 ()評論 (9)
卜蘭子 回複 悄悄話 To TributeTea,

Thanks a lot for your help of proofreading my English. I am improving my English with your help.

If you can, please take a look at chapter 42 with the title including deadlock. There is a lot more English there that needs to be corrected. Thanks again.

機器喵 回複 悄悄話 Dear author, could you please write down your comments here directly? TributeTea can see it.

Maybe TributeTea could learn a little Mandarin so that he could post his comments by himself in the future.
卜蘭子 回複 悄悄話 回複 '機器喵' 的評論 :這個幫助太大了!Please forward my thanks to TributeTea.

機器喵 回複 悄悄話 Hi,how are you?Long time no see!Ken驚喜地和胡愛萍打著招呼。

Oh,it's you. I am here for bark dust, which is too heavy for me to carry! Are you still working for the same company?

Yes, I am still there. But I am not with the same ....

Ken停頓了一下說,Let me help you! Is this one Ok?

Actually, I could have asked the store staff for help. But the problem is when I get home, I still would not be able to lift it out of my car.

Ken微笑了一下說,Do you mind if I help you? I am passing by your house.

Ken看了一眼時間說,It is only 4:30 now; it is too early for me to go to dinner. I have some spare time, would you like me to give you a hand to spread the bark dust? It would not take more than half an hour to one hour.

I really appreciate your help; it was so nice of you to make the offer. 胡愛萍說著臉上露出了笑容。

All done!Ken燦爛地微笑著。胡愛萍此時的心情明朗起來。她說,

Since you are such a helpful person can I oblige you to have dinner with me? As you know it is customary in our culture.

Really? That would be wonderful. I love Chinese food!
機器喵 回複 悄悄話 Dear author, I can understand all of your English description in your novel but not sure if it is exactly the way a native English speaker talks.

So I asked my pen pal TributeTea to proof reading your novel. TributeTea’s mother tongue is English hopefully he could introduce a novel way (to express the same idea) for us to refer.

TributeTea does not understand Mandarin and unfortunately I have no time to tell him even the storyline of your novel. I just sent the link to him and he did the job based on the English parts only.

Thanks TributeTea for his hard working.
卜蘭子 回複 悄悄話 回複 '宇宙村' 的評論 : 蝸牛快爬!蝸牛快爬!嗬嗬
宇宙村 回複 悄悄話 回複 '卜蘭子' 的評論 :

卜蘭子 回複 悄悄話 俺也寫不快。速度堪稱烏龜,比蝸牛還是快,哈哈。俺下周要去度假,會拖延兩周更新。多謝!
宇宙村 回複 悄悄話 果然,峰回路轉,好戲又開場了。精彩!
