


(2016-12-15 08:57:07) 下一個

       我們CCCS合唱團2016年冬季的表演結束了。 My pick of the song is "Walking In The Air" (漫步雲空)。這首歌曲原是1982年英國動畫片"The Snowman"(雪人)裏的插曲。後經多人演唱而廣為流傳。

       歌曲和動畫片的大意是一個小男孩在夢中與雪人飛上天空。月光下他們穿越高山, 叢林, 小溪, 遨遊雲空; 俯視沉睡的村莊和人們。 被驚醒的孩子們看到他們都驚訝地張開了嘴, 難以相信自己的眼睛。 小男孩在雪人懷中漫步雲空, 在藍色天幕上跳躍。 地上的人們都向他們致以友好的問候。

       歌詞簡單甜美, 動人心弦。 我不記得幼時看過的任何動畫片了, 也不被小男孩的夢中飛翔而驚訝, 隻是驚訝著自己內心深處的驚訝, 感受著心弦被這首簡單童歌的撥動。我為此而欣喜, 而抒發, 繼而又回味, 沉醉。。。

       喜歡的人可從網上搜索動畫及童聲演唱。 希望你也能感受到那一瞬間的美妙。


Walking in the Air ( 歌詞)

We are walking in the air, We are floating in the moon-lit sky.

The people far below are sleeping as we fly.

I am holding very tight,

I am ridding in the mid-night blue,

I am finding I can fly so high above with you.

1. On across the world, the villages go by like dreams, the rivers and the hills, the       forests and the streams.

2. We are surfing in the air, we are swimming in the frozen sky, we are drifting           over icy mountains floating by.

Children gaze, open mouthed, taken by surprise.

Nobody down below believes their eyes. (go to 2.)

We are walking in the air, We are dancing in the mid-night sky,

And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly.

We are walking in the air,

We are walking in the air.




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