中年囈語 (熱門博主)
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Animal Farm

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(以前寫的小短文, 用google胡亂翻譯一下。網上有人推薦這本書,想起自己也寫過,哈)

George Orwell is the kind of writer who writes nothing directly. As he indicated in his essay: “When one reads any strongly individual piece of writing, one has the impression of seeing a face somewhere behind the page.” In his masterpiece Animal Farm, Orwell puts Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in the form of animals, and describes it as in the view of an animal on the animal farmer.

Old Major is the incarnation of Vladimir Lenin. Old Major tells a dream that leads to animal rebellion, while Lenin initiates the Russian Revolution in 1917. Lenin skillfully won support for the Bolsheviks with slogans promising “peace, bread, and power”, while Old Major established his promised land as described in the book: “And above all, no animal must ever tyrannies over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal.” (Orwell 6) Unfortunately, they are all died shortly after their success; potentially leave the big stage to the following two successors.

Snowball refers to Leon Trotsky, who is a member of the Central Committee of Bolshevik Party. Snowball is an idealistic young leader, and he really wants to make life better for all animals. He establishes Animalism which is “elaborated on Old Major’s teaching” (Orwell 9), and leads animals win the Batter of the Cowshed. He is further very ambitious to build windmill before he is chased away into exile by Napoleon’s dogs. Trotsky shares the same fate with Snowball. Trotsky is a pure communist who follows Marxism. He want to improve life for all in Russia, but he deported by Lenin’s secret police KGB.  

Additionally, Napoleon is exactly the manifestation of Joseph Stalin. Napoleon is a cruel, brutal, devious, and corrupt figure. His ambition is only for power. “Napoleon is always right” (Orwell 43) is the policy that performed by him to fool and rule animals. He uses dogs, Moses, and Squealer to control animals and kill opponents. Stalin does the same things. Stalin is not as educated as Trotsky; all he cares is power. He doesn’t follow Marx’s ideas. He fully controls people through KGB, church, and propagandizes physically and psychologically.

Allegory is a very powerful literature device that offered as a metaphor to criticize political figures. In his Animal Farm, George Orwell successfully tells the humans from the pigs. 

喬治·奧威爾(George Orwell)是那種不直接寫東西的作家。正如他在論文中指出的那樣:“當人們閱讀任何強烈的個人作品時,就會有在頁麵後麵某處看到一張臉的印象。”奧威爾在他的傑作《動物農場》中將列寧,托洛茨基和斯大林以動物的形式放置,並將其描述為動物農場主對動物的看法。

老少校是弗拉基米爾·列寧的化身。老少校講述了一個導致動物叛亂的夢想,而列寧在1917年發起了俄國革命。列寧巧妙地贏得了對布爾什維克的支持,口號是“和平,麵包和力量”,而老少校則建立了自己的應許之地。本書:“最重要的是,任何動物都絕不能對自己的動物施暴。弱者或強者,聰明者或簡單者,我們都是兄弟。任何動物都不得殺死任何其他動物。所有動物都是平等的。” (奧威爾6)不幸的是,他們都在成功後不久就死亡了。可能會為以下兩個繼任者留下重要的舞台。 雪球指的是列夫·托洛茨基(Leon Trotsky),他是布爾什維克黨中央委員會的成員。


另外,拿破侖正是約瑟夫·斯大林的體現。拿破侖是一個殘酷,殘酷,狡猾和腐敗的人物。他的雄心隻在於權力。 “拿破侖永遠是對的”(奧威爾43)是他為愚弄和統治動物而采取的政策。他使用狗,摩西和竊賊控製動物並殺死對手。斯大林也做同樣的事情。斯大林的教育程度不如托洛茨基;他隻關心權力。他沒有遵循馬克思的想法。他通過克格勃,教堂完全控製著人們,並在身體和心理上進行宣傳。

寓言是一種非常強大的文學工具,可作為隱喻來批評政治人物。喬治·奧威爾(George Orwell)在他的動物農場裏,成功地講述了豬群中的人類。



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