無事的時候,喜歡看和聽 @北美崔哥調侃。在 ‘北美崔哥’的博客上,有一篇 "西雅圖的藍天白雲!解放區的天,是明朗的天......。"
有感於國內北京等地的空氣汙染,對比國外的空氣質量,治理是需要時間,製度,措施,金錢和犧牲某些暫時利益的。請看下麵一篇英文的關於倫敦在50,60 年代的空氣汙染和照片:
Great Smog of 1952
The Great Smog befell London starting on December 4, 1952, and lasted until March of 1953. It was a great disaster that killed thousands and formed an important impetus to the modern environmental movement.
In early December of 1952, a cold fog descended upon London. Because of the cold, Londoners began to burn more coal than usual. At the same time, the final conversion of London's electric trams to diesel buses was completed. The resulting air pollution was trapped by the heavy layer of cold air, and the concentration of pollutants built up dramatically. The smog was so thick that it would sometimes make driving impossible. It entered indoors easily, and concerts and screenings of films were cancelled as the audience could not see the stage or screen.
Since London was known for its fog, there was no great panic at the time. In the weeks that followed, the medical services compiled statistics and found that the fog had killed 4,000 people—most of whom were very young or elderly, or had pre-existing respiratory problems. Another 8,000 died in the weeks and months that followed.
These shocking revelations led to a rethinking of air pollution. The disaster demonstrated to people around the world that it was a real and deadly problem. New regulations were put in place restricting the use of dirty fuels in industry and banning black smoke. These included the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and of 1968, and the City of London (Various Powers) Act of 1954.
Despite clean air laws, smog persisted into the 60s.
六十年後的倫敦: 空氣質量改善了,可是另一個問題發生了,一年中大概有7,8個月的時間見不到太陽,沒有陽光,陰,miserable, 這種天氣除了因缺少維生素D給身體帶來的危害,對人精神上的傷害也不比呼吸到超過p.m 2.5標準500倍的空氣的傷害小。有時候真有24小時生活在夜晚的感覺。所以,擔心空氣汙染的,至少在沒有霧霾的時候,你們還有陽光在作伴。