感激 感謝 感恩!

Remain Calm and Stay Strong 當忍無可忍的時候,怎麽辦?沉默還是爆發?

(2018-08-17 12:05:30) 下一個


When I am offended by someone, I always pray peace of mind/heart for myself. Previously, I knew health came from medication. But, now I realize that health also comes from peace in the soul.

Living in T state, the very impressed thing is about unfriend people in that state. I had two white co-workers, each one had divorced two times. They all complained that state’s ladies were mean, rude and crude. I always doubt if their commons are fair to the state’s ladies. However, after I was treated unfriendly many times by some people in T state. I totally agree with my two co-workers. There are number of cases I want to tell you. Due to room limitation, I can only list three typical cases below.

Unfriend Treatment One: When I just moved to T state and I changed my drive license in an office. An agent took care of my case. When everything was done, I asked her if I could keep my expired drive license for souvenir. She tossed me four words, “You cannot keep it.” Then, threw it into a trash bin. I was disappointed by her terrible attitude.

So far, I still kept my old drive license issued by Canada. When I changed that license in M state, the clerk just cut a corner of the license to mark it being void. I really appreciated her.

Back to my office, my co-worker told me actually I was also able to keep my expired license in T state. The problem was that lady was not nice. Since I didn’t want this event to disturb me more, I kept calming.

Unfriend Treatment Two: I went to local immigration office for asking my green card processing. An officer met me. When I was writing down the number on her badge, she suddenly shouted at me like a lion. I was threatened so horribly that I didn’t know how to ask my case proceeding. Before visiting the office, my supervisor told me I should remember the officer’s number in case of needing ask further questions after leaving the immigration building. Anyway, she was unhappy I did this. Since I didn’t want this thing to bother me more, I stayed silent.   

Unfriend Treatment Three: I quite often visited a fast food restaurant for lunch. Every time, I asked a cup of hot water because my stomach liked hot stuff. Once upon a time, I did the same request, but a cashier rejected me stiffly. She just threw a word, “No”. I asked “Why?” and then she threw five words, “We never serve hot water ”. I had to give up my request. Since I didn’t want this issue to destroy my good mood, I was quiet.

These are enough for supporting my co-workers’ opinion. I don’t want to go to long list for talking more cases.  

However, I would like to share recent one with you. This one is  different from above ones, because I didn’t remain silent rather than I fed it back.

Recently, we went shopping in a world class supermarket, which also is our favorite store. At checkout station, we paid groceries and by the way cashed back one $20 bill. Getting out of the store, I realized we should exchange that bill to one dollar bills for tips in case of dining at a restaurant. We went back to the store at the customer service center for the exchange.

Unexpectedly, the clerk, treated us like enemies. She rudely rejected our request. We told her we did this kind of exchange many times, but no any clerk refused us. Suddenly, her face looked terrible and turn into green. Her eye balls rolled up and only white background left. Her mouth bent to the angry style. I never saw such a fantastically magic face.

Sitting in our car, I found I still held the receipt. Customer service part reminded me I had right to do survey. I made decision to file a complaint with the help of the online survey, even though I never did any kind of survey for any sort of issue. The complaint attached below for your possible interest.                

Dear Manager,

We are writing to you and tell you we experienced a nightmare at the W-market around 7:30pm, August X.

At customer service center, we were treated badly by a young lady, when we asked to exchange one $20 bill for $1 dollar bills. She not only refused our requirement, but also was so rude that we could not believe we were shopping at the W-market, our favorite store.

The store address is:

??? FM???? RD E

We really wish you can explain why this W-market did not provide exchange bill service that time. Before, we have done several times there, and no clerks rejected our requests.

Thanks for your taking care of of our case. We look forward to your response.


Best Regards,


After three days, I received an email asking me to do survey for the customer service center of W-market. They asked me if satisfy the answers from the store representative. I just selected “No”, but no any comments, because the store never contacted me. I knew that store would not like to help me anymore. I am mature enough to forgive them; while I am not stubborn to trust them again.

Living in this world, we must face each kind of person. We should  make up our minds. We can't control what people say; while we can control how we respond. I remember Joel Osteen said (I did some changes), “Some people like garbage trucks. They go around full of anger, full of frustration and full of bitterness. As their garbage pile up, they need somewhere to dump it. If they dump on you, you should not take it. Personally, it has nothing to do with you. If you take it, it will dirt you. The positive attitude is just remaining smile, staying calm, wishing them well and keeping moving on. Here is the key, successful people don't let garbage trucks take over their days. Keep your lid on.”      




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