


(2022-06-17 12:56:27) 下一個

Lauren Groff Reimagines a Medieval Feminist Hero in 'Matrix'

Matrix is to control, changing environment to control one's life.

In the 12th century France, woman was under control. Even a royal lady was belonging to her husband.  If the husband died, she still belonged to his family. After she died, there was no property to inherit by her beloved one.  A woman was a private property to a man. Marriage is the control bind.

Marie is a legend, her story is different from others from her young age. She is half sister of the king and her mother is the sister of Queen Eleanor. After she was born, her mother educated her as an independent lord to protect her from the murder for money.

Marie learned how to control her real estate as well as four foreign language. She didn't know how to sing or learn any royal manners for a lady. What she learned was how to control her own property after her parents died. She did well for three years after her mother died when she was fourteen years old.

Her fate was changed by Queen Eleanor who took all her property and sent her to the convent as a royal nun. She was penniless and starved to death if the kind nun didn't give little food and a pair of shocks to her in the extremely winter.

she was strong and didn't become the wife of a royal marriage because she was not pretty at all. She studied all the primlige and obeyed all the rules of old supervisor. After forty years, when she was in her fifties, she became an supervisor of the convent. 

she faced starving, violence, heavy tax, sex empty, queen's spy, poverty, war, illness and rebellion from other nuns. She prevailed as a queen bee with a great power and made people work and enjoy a prosperity life in her covent , and became the most powerful ruler of the whole Franch minsters.

How could she write a history in her life? The Writer used a great imagination combined with history details to tell an attractive story of a legend feminist.

(matrix lauren qroff)

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