婚姻裏什麽是最重要和需要守護的。 或者說人生你們最看重什麽吧。
我剛來美國,有個姐姐人非常好。她孩子打破了個盤子,她可惜那盤子,當時她初中的兒子說,媽媽你應該先關心人有沒有事,然後再心疼盤子。姐姐很感慨,說給我聽。 我們都是曾從物質匱乏的日子出來的,物質的重要也許是生根在心理了,所以才會有這樣的第一反應。說到底,人生中人是最重要的。這是美國長大的孩子給成人的一課。
還有個帖子,他失業了,老婆第一反應是,沒錢怎麽辦?房子怎麽辦?綠卡怎麽辦?你怎麽這麽沒用?這真是非常的結果導向,看重錢和身份,沒有看重人的心理。作者自己也是非常結果導向的人,有這樣的老婆也是價值觀一致。 有兩個回帖非常好,一個老婆是說一起找工作吧,隻要一個找到就好。另一個老婆是安慰。這兩種是看重人的態度。家庭裏需要柔軟一點的溫情,不要那麽結果導向。
古代父母之命媒妁之言,盲婚啞嫁,也有好的婚姻,現在自由戀愛,自由結婚,離婚率也不低,一地雞毛,更加不少。兩個人性格匹配和行事方式的匹配是更重要的。 所以我看見紫檀t5 對t5,看見指責楊的老少配,我就想,我們把外物看得太重了,完全忽略人的本質。
美國的自由,是每個人克製自己的自由。很少見到對別人指手劃腳的人。 大家都是成年人,自己的行為的後果自己抗。別人那麽做的理由,我們不知道,就不要加上自己的揣測和想法,就跳出來指責人。
兩黨選舉,共和民主都有自己的理由,都有鐵杆要捍衛的道理和正義, 中間派就被罵,或者聲音被湮沒,歪曲。川普為什麽當時那麽吸引人,有時候,話說的多了,說得足夠大聲的確會影響一些人的思維和觀點。 謊言一千遍就是真理,一直在重複上演。
It’s not an idiom from English. The phrase as it is originated in Chinese, though its spirit came from Tsarist Russia.
To the uninitiated, the phrase “there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes (一千個人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特)” was popularised by the standardised Year 5Chinese primary school curriculum (《語文五年級上冊教師教學用書》(人民教育出版社2011年版)). The phrase intends to be a statement about individual artistic interpretations, how different audience to Hamlet may have their own interpretations of the tale about the Danish prince.
http://ThePaper.cn did a proper investigation (語錄偵探 | 一千個人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特). It found that its earliest mention came from an essay by Zhu Guangqian first published in 1957 (《哲學研究》1957年第四期).
- Zhu Guangqian in 1933
The essay mentioned “thousand Hamlet” in a quote, and the investigation pointed to the earlier reference as probably that of Vissarion Belinsky’s three-phase interpretation of Hamlet in 1838:
“Reading Shakespeare’s drama shows that each person is a legitimate artistic subject, however low he stands in the social hierarchy and even in humanity as such” (Response to The Muscovite Journal; see: Complete Works, vol. 10, 1956, p. 242).
- Vissarion Belinsky
A more complete review of Belinsky’s interpretation of Hamlet can be found in the article Shakespeare in Russia by N. V. Zakarov.
It’s not an idiom from English. The phrase as it is originated in Chinese, though its spirit came from Tsarist Russia.
To the uninitiated, the phrase “there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes (一千個人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特)” was popularised by the standardised Year 5Chinese primary school curriculum (《語文五年級上冊教師教學用書》(人民教育出版社2011年版)). The phrase intends to be a statement about individual artistic interpretations, how different audience to Hamlet may have their own interpretations of the tale about the Danish prince.
http://ThePaper.cn did a proper investigation (語錄偵探 | 一千個人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特). It found that its earliest mention came from an essay by Zhu Guangqian first published in 1957 (《哲學研究》1957年第四期).
- Zhu Guangqian in 1933
The essay mentioned “thousand Hamlet” in a quote, and the investigation pointed to the earlier reference as probably that of Vissarion Belinsky’s three-phase interpretation of Hamlet in 1838:
“Reading Shakespeare’s drama shows that each person is a legitimate artistic subject, however low he stands in the social hierarchy and even in humanity as such” (Response to The Muscovite Journal; see: Complete Works, vol. 10, 1956, p. 242).
- Vissarion Belinsky
A more complete review of Belinsky’s interpretation of Hamlet can be found in the article Shakespeare in Russia by N. V. Zakarov.