

(2013-03-02 10:35:40) 下一個


剛剛看了《美F-35戰機故障原因已查明 軍方取消停飛令》,裏麵號稱:





我在我轉的《(ZT)F-35:發動機葉片 bummer(圖)》裏提到一些常識,我原封不動給大家抄一遍:




所以,大家可以想象,如果你推一下極限,設計指標還是可以提高滴,但是可靠性和壽命就會降低,也許F-35的發動機沒推極限,但是也可能是F-35的性能要求F-35的發動機經常作長時間和高強度的運行,F-35的“發動機葉片 bummer”的外號就出來。”



"Upon completion and compliance with the immediate action Time Compliant Technical Directive (TCTD) issued this week to borescope inspect the LPT stage 3 turbine blades, F-35 LRIP aircraft are returned to flight status. Additionally, a 25 Effective Flight Hour (EFH) reporting cycle of creep damage will now be implemented to monitor and limit turbine creep exposure."


對於噴氣發動機,我也是徹底的外行,這裏,我以為大家需要注意的是“stage 3 turbine blades”,也就是說是發動機比較後部的葉片,我猜這裏的“stage 3”就是所謂的“afterburner”,反正就是“加速”或“加力”時用的,F-35的發動機是Pratt & Whitney造的,據我所知GE的發動機就沒分什麽“stage”不“stage”的。



同一篇文章裏引用Pratt & Whitney的話說:

"We believe that a key factor for the blade crack stemmed from the unique operating environment in flight test. The engine had operated more than four times longer in the high-temperature environment of the flight envelope than the typical F-35 duty cycle. The exposure in this high temperature part of the envelope led to a separation of the grain boundary on this single blade."

我就不說“We believe that”其實是個比較弱的說法,我以為跟說“我猜”也差不多。

同樣的,再說一遍,對於噴氣發動機,我也是徹底的外行,這裏,我以為大家需要注意的是“more than four times longer”,這架發動機葉片出現裂痕的F-35的高溫條件的飛行時間是超常4倍多,也就是說是正常的5倍多!

這不是開玩笑吧,Pratt & Whitney的發動機有沒有使用手冊?

要不然就是Pratt & Whitney的發動機實在是太牛太牛了,實際壽命是設計壽命的5倍多!

關於“afterburner”,我找到這個(link:http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articles-view/feature/5/143079/afterburning-engine-can%E2%80%99t-stand-heat.html)應該是比較獨立的文章,因為文章提到F-35項目的辦公室和Pratt & Whitney都沒回答他們的問題。


But this is not the first instance in which the F-35 has run into problems when using its afterburner.

In his annual report released Jan. 15 Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for Operational Test and Evaluation, mentioned two instances of afterburner-induced incidents discovered in 2012:

1. F-35A Flight Sciences Assessment (Page 29):
“The test team could not execute this portion (30 percent) of planned 2012 baseline test points [because of] aircraft operating limitations, which prevented the extended use of afterburner needed to complete high‑altitude/high‑airspeed test points,” and
1。 F-35A飛行科學評估(第29頁):

2. F-35C Flight Sciences (Page 33):
“In August, the test team installed new coatings on CF-1 horizontal tails, designed to prevent scorching and delaminating during prolonged use of afterburner pursuing high airspeed test points. However, portions of the coatings dis-bonded during flight, suspending further testing of the high airspeed portion of the envelope.”
2。 F-35C飛行科學公司​​(第33頁):

The F-35 section of Gilmore’s report can be accessed here on the DOT&E website.

We already knew, thanks to Gilmore’s report, that the F-35 cannot currently fly “within 25 miles of known lightning conditions” and that “below 20,000 feet altitude, descent rate is restricted to 6,000 feet/minute (….) Neither restriction is acceptable for combat or combat training.” (see page 41)

Now, thanks to this latest grounding, we discover that the F-35 is also limited in the time it can operate on afterburner, at the risk of having its turbine blades explode. This can hardly be considered acceptable for combat, either.

Neither Pratt & Whitney nor the JPO appear overly troubled by this limitation, and neither considers it necessary to redesign the engine or the turbine blades to avoid a recurrence. The only known precautionary measure, again reported by Reuters, is that the JPO will “now require reports to monitor and limit similar damage after every 25 flight hours,” instead of 50-hour inspections as previously.

So, 11 years into its development program, the aircraft can’t fly near thunderstorms, it can’t dive too steeply, and it can’t sustain afterburner operation.

As the turbine blade cracked after 409 flight hours (and 700 total operating hours), one possible fix is to change engines every 400 hours. After all, this was standard operating procedure in the Soviet air force, as Germany’ Luftwaffe found when it inherited the MiG-29 operated by the previous East Germany.

However, given the F-35’s already high operating costs, this is probably not a route that Lockheed or the Pentagon would advocate. Yet, in some respects, the F135’s operational lifespan in afterburner mode takes us back to the 1980s.

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