fengxiang (熱門博主)
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問世間情為何物(完): 究竟什麽是愛?

(2016-05-07 15:06:34) 下一個

        What is love? Shakespeare tells us that love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. I'm only ten and have yet to experience great love, so I chose to write about the only love I'm familiar with - the love my parents share. It's not a new love filled with burning passion. My sister says they don't even French kiss anymore. But it's the little things they do for each other that tells me what love is. Like in the car when my mom puts her hand on the back of my dad's neck and massages it. Or when my dad warms up my mom's car and scrapes the ice off the windshield on cold mornings. And how they've learned to communicate with each other using their own special language. It's true we don't have a lot of money, but I like to think even if we did, my parents would still be at home hanging out together. Of course, in a much nicer house with a Jacuzzi soaking tub. If you ask people what they think are the greatest love stories, they'll say Romeo and Juliet or Hermione and Ron Weasley. And those are fine. But, if you ask me, great love stories can be small like my mom and dad's.

      這是美劇《the middle》裏十歲小男孩兒Brick 做的學校作業。 試著翻譯成中文,但覺得還是英文讀起來更流暢。

       究竟什麽是love? 這世界已經有眾名家們給出了各種理論見解,光愛的名言一找一大堆,比如:真正的愛就要把瘋狂的或是近於不健康的東西趕得遠遠的(柏拉圖)。比如 愛,就得把所愛的人的幸福置於自己的幸福之上(美國劇作家 蓋伊·博爾頓 《雪萊情史》)。 比如 愛是生命的火焰,沒有它,一切變成黑夜(羅曼·羅蘭)。比如愛是美德的種子( 但丁)。 再比如愛是理解的別名(泰戈爾),等等等等。 但我好象更喜歡十歲小男孩Brick “童眼看世界”看到的那天真樸素的愛。 其實愛挺簡單,用不著搞得那麽複雜,深奧。

        如果問我愛是什麽? 我也會想到羅密歐與朱麗葉,梁山伯和祝英台,但那種生死相許的愛離我們太遙遠。所以我還是說說我們這些普通人的普普通通的愛。這些愛就存在於我們每天的生活中,但它太不起眼,太司空見慣而被人們忽略了。這種愛是你生病時他送來的一杯水和一片藥, 這種愛是他領孩子比賽回來你仔細準備的一桌熱騰騰的飯菜,這種愛是他坐飛機出差你沒及時接到他電話時的焦慮擔憂,這種愛是你不順心時大喊大叫時他寬容的一笑,這種愛是你們對孩子的愛護和責任,這種愛更是雙方對婚姻的尊重。這種愛不浪漫但溫暖實在,在我看來這才是世界上最偉大的愛。

       愛情是奢侈品,而且是金錢買不來的奢侈品, 能擁有是運氣。 愛情還是易耗品,科學研究不都顯示愛情的保鮮期隻有三個月嗎? 所以對我們這些凡胎俗子來說,也許平平淡淡才是真。


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