2012 (34)
2013 (161)
2014 (103)
2015 (100)
2016 (50)
2025 (2)
任何一個尊重事實的人,隻要在網上認真搜尋,就能發現真相。但是Trump及其支持者根本不願意分辨真相,一概斥之為左派Fake news, 即使是右派Fox的新聞不例外也攻擊。
下麵我從美國選舉程序, 證明選舉作弊的謠言根本經不起推敲。美國選舉程序包括
要知道大多數搖擺州都在共和黨控製之下,而且選務人員以中老年人為主多是共和黨人。他們居然幫助民主黨人作弊? 而且trump陣營出資百萬征求作弊證據,居然沒有一個共和黨選務人員來領獎? 如果真像Trump指控那樣大規模作弊,還沒有人能發現證據,那麽隻有一種可能性----美國所有司法機關,選務人員,媒體大學企業,共和黨民主黨團,Trump的競選夥伴,自己的內閣部下,都是deepstate,都心甘情願為Biden作弊。笑話,這麽多人反trump的話,選票綽綽有餘還需要作弊?
In a deeply polarized nation, 60% of registered voters polled believe that Biden’s victory was legitimate, but 34% do not.
回複悄悄話Here is what we do know:
More than 42,000 people voted multiple times
If it is true number, Nevada should recount and even vote again.
However Nevada independence, the major newspaper, have investigated this data and found no base at all.
Just like other claim from Trump, this one is based on fake data.
All election fault claimed by you are impossible to be executed in Nevada, other than non-residents voters with 2nd house in Nevada. But total number of these voter will not change the result.
The House just rejected an objection to Pennsylvania's electoral vote
From CNN's Kristin Wilson
The House voted to reject an objection to throw out Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden. The challenge failed by a vote of 282-138.
The measure was also dismissed in the Senate, with a 92-7 vote tally.
At issue were incomplete absentee ballot envelopes where clerks filled in missing information, as well as those that were issued without a proper request, and still others that were the subject of ballot harvesting.
In a narrow 4-3 ruling, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected the challenge, claiming the campaign was "not entitled to the relief it seeks."
The campaign filed its petition for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.
Only 20,682 votes separate Trump and Biden in the Badger State, 0.61%.
One can hardly say this is a "baseless" claim, and pure reason has many people suspicious.
Nevada: The Silver State rushed a universal vote-by-mail measure through the legislature in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, known as AB 4, lacked safeguards to assure voter identity and was implemented without cleaning voter rolls of deceased voters, those who had moved, or who had become ineligible to vote.
Attorney Jesse Binnall testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Dec. 16 as to what resulted.
He had proof of nearly 90,000 fraudulent or improper votes that were cast, including instances where:
More than 42,000 people voted multiple times.
At least 1,500 people listed as "dead" voted.
More than 19,000 non-residents voted.
In excess of 8,000 people cast mail-in votes from non-existent addresses.
Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.
Nearly 4,000 non-citizens voted.
Considering Biden took Nevada by 33,596 votes, these allegations are serious.