Brett Kavanaugh出身於中產階層,媽媽靠讀夜大學成為的律師。對Kavanaugh的指控是高中的事,當時他無權無勢,並且這事件開始時福特博士隻敢在網站上匿名留言,她顯然是被利用了。Kavanaugh家有記日曆的傳統,時刻表與日記的混合體文字記錄。這是從70年代開始的幾十年,他父親養成的習慣,真是一個好爸爸。這是再強烈不過的物證,證明被指控的日子裏自己根本不在案發地點,昨天聽證時他還被問及筆跡是哪年的?他說是1982年的,正是福特博士指控的那年,物證學家可以測出那印跡的年代,他們在著名科學家David Baltimore涉嫌論文作假的取證時在實驗筆記本上使用過。這幾乎像辛普森那雙不合手的手套那麽有力,而福特博士的說詞幾乎沒有任何人證和物證,幾位她聲稱在場的人均矢口否認,她自己最好的朋友甚至說不認識Kavanaugh, Brett真是冤啊。自由派硬是要求Mark Judge去參院作證,他們的目的除了折磨一個身患白血病的病人,就是為了拖延時間。
我在9月24日曾經這樣預測可能性,昨天的聽證正好符合第三條預測,Brett在耶魯學到的辯論才華和取證精神使他更值得信任,他開場白的那幾條辯詞相當給力,耶魯墨水沒有白喝。而福特女士宣稱自己害怕飛行,結果記錄發現他滿世界飛,這已經涉及誠信的問題,她讀了三個學位後才在USC得博士。這是我那9月24日寫的朋友圈:“耶魯法學院學生靜坐抗議Brett Kavanaugh的可能性侵行為,Brett Kavanaugh夫婦今晚將在Fox捍衛自己的名譽。三種情況:1。如果參院讓他成為高院法官,他可能因為自由派的行為而變得向保守派靠近。Clarence Thomas的遭遇使他變成了一個從不發言隻投保守議題的大法官,民主黨完全失去了記憶,2。如果Kavanaugh退出,川普再提名的大法官,幾乎可以肯定會比Kavanaugh保守得多,Kavanaugh是中間偏右的法官,3。Kavanaugh的口才與學識在聽證會上得到進一步證實,因為現在兩位控訴人基本上沒有任何證據,New Yorker的最近報道耶魯女生的說詞,連自由的NYT都說不清楚或難以信服。[疑問][疑問]”
我在聽收音機的聽證時說:“Brett Kavanaugh的開場白十分有力,與Fox訪談完全不同,他直接抨擊民主黨的荒唐”,我昨天回家幾乎看完了他40多分鍾的開篇,十分精彩。而我在看完Kavanaugh夫婦的Fox訪談後是這樣寫朋友圈的(僅改個別字):“全程看了Brett Kavanaugh夫婦的訪談,我更覺得他是一個十分優秀的法官而不是政客,他是一個相當替人著想的人,沒有政客的反擊語言,也拒絕說出到嘴邊的反對派的企圖,雖然他認為自己被誣陷時含淚覺得不可思議與理解。我不能說我相信Brett稱他在80年代初的高中還是處男,看來讀書進耶魯不容易啊[呲牙],對天主教的boy進耶魯尤其難,任何種裔照顧都沒有。我現在越來越覺得New Yorker的那篇毫無根據的文章創下新聞道德的新低,Brett是相當能控製自己情緒的人,他現在更在意的是他的名譽,高院似乎是次要的。如果證明他真有此汙點,他巡回法官的位置也不保,所以指望他撤回提名幾乎不可能。共和黨加上副總統會是52:49,允許丟一票也能過關。”
這次民主黨是所有手段都用上了,恐怕仍然不會成功。加州參議員Dianne Feinstein手裏拿著福特博士的信超過了一個月,一直藏著,整個前期的聽證隻字不提,想在最後一刻做character assassination用。他們現在還談FBI調查有意義嗎?要調查早就應該實施,況且Kavanaugh在他職業生涯中是被FBI數次嚴格調查過的人。這次Brett Kavanaugh對Arizona的檢查官Rachel Mitchell和共和黨參議員的問題是坦承回答,Kavanaugh對Feinstein是直接打斷並且非常憤怒,這些不僅不應該視為無理,反爾讓人更理解他的情緒,他乃性情中人。如果Kavanaugh過關,他會向右靠攏,這點我肯定,也希望他參加投票將平權法案判為違憲。
關健時刻耶魯校友顯真情,小布什為Kavanaugh向搖擺兩黨議員打電話。小布什作為共和黨出馬競選總統時,就有紐約自由派耶魯同學為他捐款,靠的就是校友的友誼:“George W. Bush has called several moderate Republican senators and Manchin to whip votes for Kavanaugh, per people briefed. Trump, who doesn’t like Bush, has far less sway with the key voters.”
Lindsey Graham是昨天聽證的英雄,擲地有聲,直指加州85歲的參議員Dianne Feinstein的虛偽,我對這位南卡的參議員是刮目相看。
Senator Graham.
GRAHAM: Are you aware that at 9:23 on the night of July the 9th, the day you were nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump, Senator Schumer said 23-minutes after your nomination, “I will oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have, I have (sic) a bipartisan — and I hope a bipartisan majority will do the same. The stakes are simply too high for anything less.” Well, if you weren’t aware of it, you are now.
Did you meet with Senator Dianne Feinstein on August 20th?
KAVANAUGH: I did meet with Senator Feinstein…
GRAHAM: Did you know that her staff had already recommended a lawyer to Dr. Ford?
KAVANAUGH: … I did not know that.
GRAHAM: Did you know that her and her staff had this — allegations for over 20 days?
KAVANAUGH: I did not know that at the time.
GRAHAM: If you wanted a FBI investigation, you could have come to us. What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open and hope you win in 2020. You’ve said that, not me. You’ve got nothing to apologize for.
When you see Sotomayor and Kagan, tell them that Lindsey said hello because I voted for them. I would never do to them what you’ve done to this guy. This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics. And if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn’t have done what you’ve done to this guy.
Are you a gang rapist?
GRAHAM: I cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through.
Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham. That you knew about it and you held it. You had no intention of protecting Dr. Ford; none.
She’s as much of a victim as you are. God, I hate to say it because these have been my friends. But let me tell you, when it comes to this, you’re looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend. Do you consider this a job interview?
KAVANAUGH: If (ph) the advice and consent role is like a job interview.
GRAHAM: Do you consider that you’ve been through a job interview?
KAVANAUGH: I’ve been through a process of advice and consent under the Constitution, which…
GRAHAM: Would you say you’ve been through hell?
KAVANAUGH: I — I’ve been through hell and then some.
GRAHAM: This is not a job interview.
GRAHAM: This is hell.
KAVANAUGH: This — this…
GRAHAM: This is going to destroy the ability of good people to come forward because of this crap. Your high school yearbook — you have interacted with professional women all your life, not one accusation.
You’re supposed to be Bill Cosby when you’re a junior and senior in high school. And all of a sudden, you got over it. It’s been my understanding that if you drug women and rape them for two years in high school, you probably don’t stop.
Here’s my understanding, if you lived a good life people would recognize it, like the American Bar Association has, the gold standard. His integrity is absolutely unquestioned. He is the very circumspect in his personal conduct, harbors no biases or prejudices. He’s entirely ethical, is a really decent person. He is warm, friendly, unassuming. He’s the nicest person — the ABA.
The one thing I can tell you should be proud of — Ashley, you should be proud of this — that you raised a daughter who had the good character to pray for Dr. Ford.
To my Republican colleagues, if you vote no, you’re legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics. You want this seat? I hope you never get it.
I hope you’re on the Supreme Court, that’s exactly where you should be. And I hope that the American people will see through this charade. And I wish you well. And I intend to vote for you and I hope everybody who’s fair-minded will.
HCC 2018-09-28 17:37:06 回複 悄悄話 他自己的日曆沒有寫他參加了派對沒有寫他意圖不軌,那就一定沒有發生了?日曆上也沒有寫他未成年飲酒?他未成年飲酒了嗎?有的。
One name matched with his calendar - why? 35 years ago.
speak of his character . 他是個精神意誌堅強的男人。
"當然能記得是誰,日期可以記不得,但地點一定能記得。 - 簫邦邦 - "
Brett 的辯論才華和取證精神是他父親教導以及遺傳的,和YALE沒半毛關係。