熱愛是保持年輕的秘訣 --- 梅耶.馬斯克(馬斯克母親)

上路看世界,歸家讀閑書,陋室觀天下,餘暇思古今,靜坐聽音樂,提筆寫文章。-- 南半球
有錢不花是窮人。-- 蔡瀾

ZT:Hormonal Imbalance: Causes and Natural Ways to Fix

(2022-08-24 09:37:23) 下一個

What Causes Hormonal Imbalance?


There are multiple reasons attributed to hormonal imbalance in men. The main causes include:


  1. Prolonged exposure to chronic stress
  2. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  3. Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia
  4. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
  5. Poor diet and nutrition
  6. Being overweight, obese, or anorexic
  7. Birth control or hormonal replacement drugs
  8. Overuse of steroids
  9. Solitary thyroid nodules and cysts
  10. Pituitary tumours, benign tumours, Cancer, and Cancer treatment
  11. High or low levels of cortisol (Cushing’s Syndrome or Addison’s Disease)
  12. Iodine deficiency
  13. Endocrine gland injury
  14. Hereditary pancreatitis


5 Ways to Naturally Balance Your Hormones



Hormonal imbalances are common in today’s day and age, because of our fast-paced lifestyles and poor food and exercise habits.


However, there are ways to naturally keep your hormones balanced. Here are some tips that will help you get started:


  1. Add enough protein to your meals - Proteins provide essential amino acids in your body that help maintain muscle, skin, and bone health. Furthermore, protein affects the release of hormones ghrelin and leptin, that control appetite.
  2. Indulge in regular physical exercise - Physical exercise helps reduce insulin levels in your body and is beneficial to hormone regulation.
  3. Skip the refined sugar and carbs - Keep your sugar and carb levels in check to avoid developing diabetes, obesity, and other diseases.
  4. Manage stress effectively - The two major hormones affected by stress are cortisol and adrenaline. Try to allocate some time in your day to do things that help reduce your stress levels.
  5. Consume healthy fats - Include high-quality natural fats like fatty fish, avocados, dark chocolate, eggs, and nuts. This may help reduce insulin resistance and appetite and keep your hormones in check.



A nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle choices may help keep your hormonal health in check. However, consult your doctor and discuss a way forward for your diet.




所以,本文的矛盾之處:肉類會使BPH惡化(THE FAMOUS CHINA STUDY)。可是這裏卻要你吃足夠蛋白

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