熱愛是保持年輕的秘訣 --- 梅耶.馬斯克(馬斯克母親)

上路看世界,歸家讀閑書,陋室觀天下,餘暇思古今,靜坐聽音樂,提筆寫文章。-- 南半球
有錢不花是窮人。-- 蔡瀾

Pain+Reflection=Progress --- Car Stuck in a Sandy Road

(2022-01-03 09:53:27) 下一個

First, Ray Dalio's book: Principles has this motto: pain + reflection = progress.

My recent road experience give me an oppy to apply this wisdom:

The Pain:

Following Google Map directions, but eventually the car got stuck in a sandy (unpaved) road and had to spend 4 hours to get it out.

The Reflection:

1.  Zoom in and follow the map direction very closely at turns

2.  Stop if not sure.  Going further only make it worse

3a.  Never ever enter an unpaved road (dirt or sand). 

3b.  Be on the high alert!  Stop right away and slowly/lightly back out if entered. 

3c.  Do not turn wheels (as it will make a dent)!  Do not step on gas!

4.  If stuck, do not try to get out by revving the engine up --- it will only makes the dent deeper and more difficult for rescue.


Hope a lesson is learned!

Note: the strongest points on a car to fasten a belt/hook for towing (if no hinge/hook):

1.  Spokes

2.  Idler arm (front whees section)

3.  Wheel rim (see pic)

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