熱愛是保持年輕的秘訣 --- 梅耶.馬斯克(馬斯克母親)

上路看世界,歸家讀閑書,陋室觀天下,餘暇思古今,靜坐聽音樂,提筆寫文章。-- 南半球
有錢不花是窮人。-- 蔡瀾

'The Diabetes Code' Book Learning Notes

(2020-06-30 21:02:58) 下一個

1.  Avoid fructose (anything having table sugar); Limit carb (low carb)

2.  Fatty liver (caused primarily by fructose) caused insulin resistance.

3.  Liver is the only organ that can motablize fructose.

4.  Fructose is mainly in Table Sugar and High-frutose Corn Synrup.

5.  Fruit also is the main source of fructose but slower to affect glucose.  Advice: the dose makes the poison.  So limit the amount you eat.

6.  Oils to avoid (as they have omega-6 which causes inflammation and adversely affect health): sunflower, corn, canola, safflower, and vegetable oils.  Especially do not use them in high-heat (they release harmful chemicals called aldehydes when heated)

7.  Exercise only benefits the skeletal muscles and not the fatty liver that is the cornerstone of this disease

8.  Why portion-control does not work and intermittent fasting work: 

Because restricting calories causes a
compensatory increase in hunger and a decrease in the body’s
metabolic rate. This effect derails weight-loss efforts and ultimately
ends in failure. Intermittent fasting succeeds because it produces
beneficial hormonal changes that chronic caloric deprivation does not.
Most importantly, it reduces insulin and insulin resistance
9.  Simply put, fasting provides beneficial
hormonal changes that are entirely prevented by the constant intake of
food, even when the calories in that food are reduced.
10.  Portion control: put our body in starvation mode (reduced metablism);
       Fasting: put our body in survival (highly alert) mode: During fasting, the body opens up its ample supply of stored food—body fat. Basal metabolism stays high, and instead of using food as our fuel, we use food our bodies have stored as body fat. After all, that’s exactly why we stored it in the first place. Now we have enough energy to go out and hunt some woolly mammoth
11. If "55% of cal should come from carb" method has insulin level of x.  Then:
         *Low-carb healthy-fat diet(LCHF): insulin level = 0.5x; (so reduction = 50%)
         *Fasting: insulin level = 0.25x; (so reduction = 75%)
      So LCHF gives you 70% benefit of that of Fasting
12. Styles of Fasting:
  a) 36-hour fast, 3 times/week
  b) Fast every other day
  c) Fast continuously for several (short or long) days.
13.  What to drink during fasting
  a) Water-only
  b) Modified-fat
  c) Bone broth
14. Side Effects During Fast: Dumping toxic load (will have hunger pains, headaches, muscle cramps, skin irritations)
15. Side Effects After a Period of Fast: Dawn phenomenon (starting at ~4AM, all hormones are boosted for the day).  So glucose is high.  But comes back to normal during the day.  This is normal
16. Tips for Fasting:
  a) Stay hydrated during fasting
  b) Monitor glucose to avoid being too low
  c) If sick, stop; if glucose is stalled/worse, change regimen (intensify frequency or duration) or talk to doctor.
17. T2D, by far, is the biggest cause of kidney disease!
18. T2D is currently the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, amputations, heart attacks, strokes, and cancer.
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