2012 (1)
2020 (65)
2021 (62)
2025 (2)
1. Saw Palmetto (一種植物)。(typical dose: 320 mg per day of extract standardized to 85% to 95% fatty acids)
2. Beta-Sitosterol(臨床試驗中是 30 mg to 91 mg daily)
a) consumerlab.com
b) Larry King (見 prostatereport.com) 說Saw Palmetto, lycopene 根本就是垃圾!Beta-sitosterol 是唯一有效的。他們推薦的第一名藥物是ProstaGennix。 但是網頁底部的一句話:"Larry King is a paid endorser of ProstaGenix",讓人morbid!
c) kp.org 也是說 Saw Palmetto 沒有足夠證據。但是對Beta-sitosterol卻有如下評論:
Beta-sitosterol is said to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of some cancers. It also is said to relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) . How beta-sitosterol works is not known. It may be related to cholesterol metabolism or anti-inflammatory effects.
A review of studies done on beta-sitosterol showed that men who took it had fewer symptoms than men who took a placebo . Symptoms were measured using the American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index . Men who took beta-sitosterol also had a better urine flow rate then men who took a placebo. footnote1
還有,用量必須達到臨床試驗使用的典型劑量(所謂的“STANDARDIZED”。比如,Saw Palmetto Extract 應該是達到85% (成分重量)才能有效。所以買時要看好。因為不是所有的產品都達到這個劑量!