I believe more the official statistics, which has showed the dramatical decline of Oscar viewers yearly,rather than individual hopeful-wishes.
Moreover, the discussion here is about the Oscar awards, not the future existence of Hollywood movies。
thank you.
失去了大眾的奧斯卡,沒人看了,不接地氣,將如最後的“鳥人”般喃喃:I don't exist, I don't even exist.
florence0012015-03-29 20:41:51回複悄悄話
i like to watch the Oscar red carpet show. it is about beautiful men and women. 好來塢會生存下去, bacause the movie stars they are the modern god and goddess.
philasian2015-03-29 19:32:25回複悄悄話
蘿卜青菜各有所愛。如果評委會跟著大眾口味走,那還需要他們幹什麽。你天天看Extra, Entertainment Tonight 和 Access Hollywood 就夠了。
I believe more the official statistics, which has showed the dramatical decline of Oscar viewers yearly,rather than individual hopeful-wishes.
Moreover, the discussion here is about the Oscar awards, not the future existence of Hollywood movies。
thank you.
失去了大眾的奧斯卡,沒人看了,不接地氣,將如最後的“鳥人”般喃喃:I don't exist, I don't even exist.
我覺得,如果奧斯卡委員不改變生成機製,不廢除終身任期製,不設立觀眾投票元素,就是走到絕路了。 謝謝光臨和參與評論。
謝謝糾正錯誤!你的語言太確切了,“無冕之王”。當年如此優秀的大導“Alfred Hichcock”,也被評委會一再“忽略”了。未知是什麽品質使然!