因此, 所有經過羅蕾萊的船隻無不觸礁撞毀,

Loreley, by: Krupa-Krupinski 1899 (萬維)
不知道什麽緣故,cannot determine the meaning
我是這樣的悲哀;Of sorrow that fills my breast:
一個古代的童話,A fable of old, through it streaming,
我總是不能忘懷。Allows my mind no rest.
天色晚,空氣清冷,The air is cool in the gloaming
萊茵河靜靜地流;And gently flows the Rhine.
落日的光輝The crest of the mountain is gleaming
照耀著山頭。In fading rays of sunshine.
那最美麗的少女The loveliest maiden is sitting
坐在上邊,神采煥發,Up there, so wondrously fair;
金黃的首飾閃鑠,Her golden jewelry is glist'ning;
她梳理金黃的頭發。She combs her golden hair.
她用金黃的梳子梳,She combs with a gilded comb, preening,
還唱著一支歌曲;And sings a song, passing time.
這歌曲的聲調,It has a most wondrous, appealing
有迷人的魔力。And pow'rful melodic rhyme.
小船裏的船夫The boatman aboard his small skiff,
感到狂想的痛苦;Enraptured with a wild ache,
他不看水裏的暗礁,Has no eye for the jagged cliff,
卻隻是仰望高處。His thoughts on the heights fear forsake.
我知道,最後波浪I think that the waves will devour
吞沒了船夫和小船;Both boat and man, by and by,
羅雷萊用她的歌唱And that, with her dulcet-voiced power
造下了這場災難。Was done by the Loreley.