
You are entitled to NOTHING -- House of Cards

Suzanne Cruz: Psst, It’s Not About the Statues

(2017-09-11 09:06:07) 下一個
In 1787, upon emerging from the Constitutional Convention, legend has it that Ben Franklin was asked by a Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia, “well doctor what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin answered, “a Republic if you can keep it.” You see, government expands, power expands; pulling it back is the difficult part, and that is why Franklin said, “if you can keep it.”


Today, the government loving left wants more government power and less individual freedom. The financially backed Antifa movement is doing its best to tear down the Republic with its latest crusade to tear down history, which is really the tearing down of culture. When cultures are torn asunder, confusion and chaos ensues. In 1939, the Soviet campaign (big government) of ethnic cleansing began with a wave of arrests and summary executions of officers, policemen, and priests and the obliteration of statues and churches.

As people insanely plea for the government to increasingly be involved in their lives, to tell them whom to marry, what sex they are, and what history we are allowed to see, we increasingly give up more of our freedoms asking others to make choices for us. Today, we have a President who is desperately trying to give us back our freedoms, to shrink government, to give us more control over our own lives—contrary to the prior administration which would have us devolve into a country that needs a governor, i.e., the monarchy Mrs. Powell dreaded.

You see, it’s not about the statues, as much as it is a question of:  are we good enough for Liberty?

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