
You are entitled to NOTHING -- House of Cards

拆毀那牆:這兩天高院將影響深遠的動作:church playground 和Christian baker

(2017-06-27 09:14:24) 下一個

Missouri church wins playground case in Supreme Court

WASHINGTON • In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court overturned lower courts Monday and decided in favor of a Columbia, Mo., church, that had argued that its constitutional rights had been violated by the state Department of Natural Resources’ denial of scrap rubber for its playground.

從1962年Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962)判案以來,基督教被政府迫害,趕出公立學校。希望這個判例之後,基督徒教職員工敢於 公開傳講基督教信仰。沒有基督教信仰,國家將 進入黑暗。基督教必須回到學校。

這是一個 亞裔樂隊起名的 案例。有人介紹過,現在判了。
Free Speech May Offend Snowflakes, But That’s Their Problem

 “[T]he public expression of ideas may not be prohibited merely because the ideas are themselves offensive to some of their hearers.”  The Supreme Court wrote that in 1969 in a flag burning case, Street v. New York [394 U. S. 576, 592].  This week, we learned a little bit more about what those words mean.

In the flag case, the defendant not only burned the flag, he disparaged it. He was upset by the shooting of black civil rights leader James Meredith by a white gunman.  The defendant in the flag case said, “If they let that happen to Meredith, we don't need an American flag.”  The Court ruled that a state interest in protecting the sensibilities of passers-by who might be shocked by such words was not sufficient to justify a curb on free speech.

This week, the Supreme Court unanimously struck down a provision of federal law allowing the government to deny trademark registration for marks that people might find disparaging [
Matal v. Tam].  The Asian rock band “The Slants” tried to trademark its name, but was refused because ‘slants’ is an offensive racial slur.  In invalidating the government’s refusal to register, the Supreme Court made it clear that racially offensive speech is protected under the First Amendment.  In his opinion for the Court, Justice Alito wrote:

  •  [The idea that the government may restrict] speech expressing ideas that offend … strikes at the heart of the First Amendment. Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.”


In short, there is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment.  There’s a ‘fighting words’ exception and an ‘incitement to violence’ exception, but no ‘hate speech exception’ per se.  Sorry, snowflakes.

Baking News! SCOTUS to Hear Masterpiece Cakes Case
Originally published in Tony Perkins’ Washington Update on June 26, 2017
Tony Perkins is the President of the Family Research Council (FRC)

基督徒蛋糕店被LGBT迫害案,這個隻是接收,還沒有 判。

If anyone’s under the influence of the media and questioning President Trump’s results after six months, look no further than the U.S. Supreme Court and Justice Neil Gorsuch. This morning, after waiting through a string of Monday court announcements, Americans concerned about the relentless assault on religious freedom finally got the word they’d been waiting for—justices have agreed to hear the case of Christian baker Jack Phillips. For men and women of faith, who’ve been in the fight of their lives for their First Amendment rights since Obergefell, it’s a hopeful sign that the days of persecution against believers like Jack may be numbered.

Like so many Christian businesses, the war on religious freedom came to the Phillips’s front door when two men visited Masterpiece Cakes in 2012 and asked for a same-sex wedding cake. Jack was kind—but firm—in his conviction that he wouldn’t participate in a ceremony that violates his faith. Dave Mullin and Charlie Craig offered a choice gesture and stormed out. Later that day, they turned to social media, launching a campaign to force Phillips into submission. It didn’t work. “We would close down our bakery before we would compromise our beliefs,” Phillips told reporters.


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