


(2012-04-06 21:36:02) 下一個

北風和太陽有一天起了爭論, 看誰的力量大。 那時一位旅行者沿路走來, 於是太陽提出解決爭論的辦法;誰能叫旅行者脫下外套, 誰的力量就大。 北風接受挑戰, 於是太陽躲到雲後麵去了。

北風開始吹,可是他越使勁地吹,旅行者越把外套抓得緊。 北風還下起雨來, 甚至冰雹, 旅行者益發死命地抓住外套。 北風感到失望, 最後放棄了。 於是太陽出來了, 把他一切的光輝熱力逐漸照在旅行者身上。 不久, 這人就脫下外套了。你是怎麽做到的?北風問。這容易,太陽說,我照亮白天, 以溫柔達到我的目的。

“The North Wind and the Sun”

 The North Wind and the Sun had an argument one day. They disputed which of them was the stronger.

A traveler came along the road at that time, and the Sun suggested a way to resolve the argument. Whoever was able to cause the traveler to remove his coat would be the stronger. The Wind accepted the challenge and the Sun hid himself behind a cloud. The Wind began to blow. Yet the harder he blew, the more the traveler clutched his coat about himself.  The Wind sent rain, even hail. The traveler clung even more desperately to his coat. Finally, in despair, the Wind gave up. The Sun came out and began to shine in all his glory upon the traveler. Quite soon the man had removed his coat. “How did you do that?” asked the Wind. “It was easy,” said the Sun, “I lit the day. Through gentleness I got my way.”

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