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Stuck a banana on a wall, will be called contemporary art. Someone eats it, and it is called performing art. (HMWLL)
This refers to the famous artwork Comedian by Maurizio Cattelan, where a real banana was duct-taped to a gallery wall and sold for over $100,000 as a piece of contemporary art. Later, performance artist David Datuna walked up and ate the banana, calling his act performance art and naming it Hungry Artist.
The whole event also raises questions about value, originality, and absurdity in the art world, showing how context and interpretation define what is considered art.In the end,people should know both sides of the incident. I respect and support different voices of authenticity. Check your facts first; no speculation-based debate.
BBC: 點評中國:艾未未蹩腳的行為藝術- BBChttps://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/china/2016/02/160215_cr_ai_weiwei_arts回到知識分子上,艾未未是個知識分子。一個單純的知識分子是要用自己的行為傳達特定的思想,他要做的是傳遞信念促人思考,進而啟發眾人。
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